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2 days Earlier
"Amity Odalia Blight!!!" Her mother yelled slamming the phone on her desk. Amity slowly approached her mother's office door. Her mother's angered breathing filled the room. Strands of bright green hair fell in front of her face as she gripped the edges of her desk tightly before exhaling a breath. Odalia stood tall closing her eyes and smoothing down her hair which is usually in a perfect bun.
"The Bates have broken your engagement with Soarin off. Care to explain?" Amity knew whatever she said wouldn't be good enough for her mother.

"You won't believe me even if I told you." As the words left Amity's mouth she could see anger light up in her mother's face.

"How dare you talk back to me! Tell me this instant!" Amity tried not to let her mother's words fuel the fire already raging inside her, but she failed.

"Why?! Why does it matter?! I know the only reason you set up the engagement, was so you could straighten me out!" Amity's face was red, Ed and Em often made stupid remarks about how she was never mad unless her face was crimson, "I know you don't like that women are my preferred...flavor. But you didn't have to put me in an abusive relationship!" The anger died down in her mother's face and tone. Sighing she sat down putting her fingers to her temples.

"Sit down." Her mother asked pointing to the chair across from her. As her head raised and golden eyes met her own. "The truth is...when I was your age I had a small preference for women, there was a girl, more beautiful than that of the sun or moon. We had an....intimate relationship for a time." Her mother paused hesitantly, "But, after the word got out, it was the school scandal. I was humiliated." When Amity's mother took her hand in her own she tensed, new to comfort from her mother, tears graced her mother's cheeks, "I didn't want you to feel the same pain I felt."

"So you thought pushing me into something I never wanted would be better? I don't care if people don't like that I like girls! It's not their business! Nor is it yours."

"I know...the ways I went about it weren't ideal..." Amity held her laugh in. Weren't ideal? No shit they weren't ideal. "I'm sorry Amity..." The sudden softening of her mother's voice startled her, she went from anger to sudden sadness. It was the first time Odalia had ever apologized to Amity. "For everything. I wasn't a good mother to you, I know that the way I go about things are wrong. And this might not mean much coming from me but I will try to get better." Amity let go of her mother's hand. Standing up.

"I really appreciate your apology, but it won't magically fix everything." Amity walked out of the room and back up to her room. Amity knew she was harsh, but Odalia still tried to suppress a part of herself she already struggled with accepting.

Later that Day

Luz sat in plank position in the living room while king sat on the couch watching her. A drop of sweat fell off her forehead as her muscles quivered.

"What's the purpose of this weird pose you're in?" King asked watching Luz with a close eye. She let out a strained exhale of breath.

" work out the my stomach..." She exhaled harshly again, "So they get stronger..." As her 90 seconds ran out she slowly lowered herself to the floor letting her breathing go back to normal. Luz let Owlzura hover in the air as she placed two hands on the staff and lifted herself up and slowing lowering her body. A knock came from the door.

"It's open!" King yelled from the couch, the door opened to reveal Amity Blight. Luz's hand slipped at the sight of the witch, causing her to fall to the floor with a thud. Amity's hair was in a high pony tail, she was wearing a blue and yellow cheerleading outfit with a white long sleeve turtleneck under it, oddly similar to that of the River Vixens's. There was a yellow and white H in the middle of her chest.

"You ok Luz?" Amity asked, pointing to the blood dripping from her nose, blushing furiously. Luz got to her feet, wiping away the small amount of blood from her nose.

"Of course." Amity pulled out a Grudgby letterman jacket with "Noceda" printed on the back. She handed it out to Luz. "What's this...?"

"I came to abs-ask you if you would join the team. Well biceps-Bump! said the team needed another player...I'm the one who" Amity was bright red, her eyes were glued to the floor. Luz smiled, she never noticed how cute Amity was when she was flustered. It took her a moment to realize that the reason Amity was so flustered was because Luz was shirtless and sweating.

"I'll play." Amity smiled as Luz put on the jacket, she reached out and fixed the collar for her smiling as well. "Wow they got my name right" Luz laughed

"They had a good informant, Noceda." Amity winked smirking.

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