Author's Note

4.6K 99 30

Hi guys! I hit 2k a while ago and I know it's not a lot compared to other stories that have like 400k reads, but I really appreciate you guys interacting with my story. Though a lot of stories like mine have been popping up recently:/ And the whole reason I started writing this fic is because I never found a story like the one I'm writing so I figured there were other people out there like me. So I started writing this. But now I've noticed some other fics like this turning up which means I have competition☹️ so I really love seeing all the familiar user names pop up on my screen when you guys comment or vote on my story. Expect the next chapter by 11:30 Pacific Time. Maybe characters who've been missing will be found🤔 And I really hope you all follow me through the end of this story and even beyond ;)

The Author

P.S. Yes my name really is Mara. And yes I'm a friend of Mara. Iykyk.

P.S.S. I know I said guys a lot but I meant that as a general term I did not mean to offend any of my guys/gals/ and non binary pals. For I use she/they pronouns and I love and treat everyone equally❤️

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