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"You let the human escape...." The emperor sat in his chair, Amity was kneeling before him, her head bowed. "I'm disappointed in you Ms. Blight, I had thought you would be the best of us." He took a strangled breath of frustration, "But your feelings for the best of you. I have no use for failure."

"Please... I will not fail-" Amity was cut off by a loud sound, she looked down to see that the Emperors staff had pierced her back and was now sticking out of her chest. Blood dripped out of her mouth as she fell over, Luz's eyes widened and she reached out for the witch.

"No!!!" Luz shot you from her bed sweat covering her face, her heart breathing quickly against the inside of her chest. She sighed as she realized that it was just a dream, seeing Amity after all these years had such an affect of her. Her door creaked open, she looked down to see a yawning king entering her room.

"Is everything ok Luz?" He asked scrambling onto the bed with Luz's help. She smiled at how sweet he was.

"Of course, just a bad dream, nothing to worry about cutie pie." Luz smiled as King nuzzled into her arm, which she wrapped around him. It was surprisingly to see how little King changed over the 3 year period, actually he didn't change at all.

"Did you....forget about us...?" King's eyes were averting her gaze, Luz almost laughed in response but decided against it.

"Of course I didn't. I always thought about you, Eda, Gus and Willow, and Amity..." Luz hesitated before Amity's name fell from her lips. She pushed the thought of the young witch out of her head and smiled. Luckily King didn't notice her slight hesitation. He simply stretched out and curled back up and sighed.

"That's good...." He mumbled, Luz carefully laid back trying not to disturb the sleeping demon. She closed her eyes, trying to get a peaceful consistent sleep.

"Ok Luz are you ready?!" Eda yelled from across the room. Luz was currently placing her newly crafted palisman next to her staff. She quickly stepped away, from the white and purple staff, and returned to Eda's side. "Ready?" Luz nodded her head. Eda raised a single white finger and yellow lighting exploded from the tip hitting the staff and paliceman making a large cracking noise causing smoke to fill the area. They both fanned the smoke out of the room which revealed the two items sitting on the table. Luz sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Great...nothing happened." As she finished her sentence yellow eyes opened and looked at the two women. Purple wings spread out and flapped a few time. "It worked! Oh my gosh it worked!" Luz yelled excitingly but the loud outburst caused the small owl to cower. "Oh no's ok...I'm not gonna hurt you." She cooed as she slowly approached the owl, Luz outstretched a hand but the small bird pecked at her finger drawing blood. "Ow!"

"Well, now it's time for bonding time. I gotta gooooo...hand out with bat queen! Byeee have fun!" Eda quickly said rushing out the door.

"Eda wai-! Ugh who am I kidding." Luz  sat down on the floor and rested her chin on her hand. The little owl blinked at her. "Mmm what should I name you...?" She says there for a few moments contemplating the possible names for the owl. "Owlzura! It's perfect!" The owl turned away from her and pecked at the stag beside her, obviously uninterested in way she said. "Were supposed to make a connectionnnn" Luz groaned as she flopped on the floor looking up at the table, Owlzura popped her little purple and white head over the edge to look at her, then the owl tumbled over the edge and fell into Luz's swift hand. "Careful there, you could've gotten hurt." Luz sighed, and Owlzura gave her a blank stare, the same stare that she'd been giving for the 3 minutes she'd been alive. "Seriously, couldn't you be normal like Owlbert...why is my palisman jacked up..." Owlzura turned away from Luz and jumped out of her hand, sadly waddling away. It took her a moment to realize that Owlzura heard what she said and it hurt her, Luz didn't know why that was even a thought that came out of her mouth.

"No wait come back!" She yelled walking after the owl. It took her a while of searching the owl house but she finally found Owlzura sitting on the window sill in her bedroom. Luz sat down on her bed and sighed, "I'm sorry....I don't know anything about any of this....I just...I have to work so hard to get to where I am, because my magic isn't natural and I thought I messed you up...I got upset..." Owlzura got up and waddled towards Luz and nuzzled into her arm. The small owl cooed in acknowledgement. "Can we do friends...?" Owlzura nodded making Luz smile widely. The both ran down stairs and Luz helped her set her interlock into the staff for the first time. Luz quickly took the staff outside and mounted it, Soon she shot off in the air
Sorry this is a little bland and it took me so long to update. This was kinda just a filler chapter.

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