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Luz paced the back halls of the Grudgby stadium, sweat dripped down her cheeks which had purple lines spread across them. The crowd roared on the other side of the double doors.

"Luz!!" Gus yelled running up to her, Willow trailing behind him. They were both dressed in the cheerleader attire Amity was wearing the day before.

"Hey guys. I didn't know you were cheerleaders." Luz laughed a little the humor distracting herself from her nerves.

"Yeah! We joined last year." Willow answered, Luz started pacing the floor again, as Amity walked up they both placed an arm on her shoulders. "Good luck." They said before walking out the door, Gus waving his little flags.

"Hey Noceda." The sultry tone of Amity's voice threw her off guard, causing her to blush a little.

"H-hey Amity. Is it just me or am I freaking out." Amity gave her a reassuring smile her golden eyes shimmering.

"It's not just you. This is your first big game. And it was kinda on the spot..." She ran her hand through her ponytail, her fingers sliding through the small patch of green hair at the bottom. Amity was smiling, her eyes facing the floor.

"Amity I-" Luz was cut off by a loud voice over a speaker.

"Teams! Please make your way to your stations!" Luz smiled at her before backing away.

"Guess that's my cue. Wish me luck." Luz said as she pointed up finger guns up at her winking before walking through the door.

"Luck!!" But Amity's voice was drowned out by the crowd, the stadium was huge, and packed. There were two very obvious color differences, one side of the stadium was purple and the other was yellow. The crowd was chanting as the teams stepped onto the field. The cheerleaders were on the side of the stadium cheering and flipping around.

"Hey!! Human!! Over here!!" Someone yelled waving her over to her team. Luz jogged over to them. There were 4 people there, 3 girls and 1 boy. "I'm Artemis" The girls with brown hair before pointing to the other people. "This is Harry. That's Silver." The girl with black hair and silver eyes slightly raised her hand, "And this is Athena. My little sister." Athena was the smallest out of all of them, and Luz was unsurprisingly the tallest.

"I'm Luz. Um, the Human." Luz stuttered out, rubbing a hand to the back of her head.

"Ey, don't worry Captain we've all been new at one point." Harry's British accent threw Luz off, and the fact that he called her Captain.

"C-Captain?" Luz asked, the four of them looked at each other.

"Yeah did Amity not tell you that?" Silver asked, her tone was aloof almost sarcastic and slightly condescending.

"Uh no...But! It'll be ok. Here's the game plan." They all huddled together and Luz whispered the plan as the cheerleaders chanted in the back.

"Attack! Attack! Hexside- attack!
Glandus watch out, You better get back!" Luz perked her head up to see the cheerleaders breaking formation and sitting down on their bench. They broke their huddle.

"Allllll right now folks! We have our team lining up for the start of the match. Captain Noceda from Hexside High, and Captain Hale from Glandus High, are now flipping a coin to see who starts with the ball." The referee flips the coin up and it lands on the blue side, Luz smiled as the smug look on her opponents face, fades.

"Hexside had one the coin toss!" The ref. shouted. Luz returned to her position waiting for Glandus to throw the ball.

"The whistle has been blown, and the ball is up. With a quick jump Silver Sterling takes possession of the ball, Cameron Dove from Glandus throws up a thorn wall to block her path, but a change of possession to Harry Woods keeps Hexside in the lead!" Harry sprints down center field towards Luz, she prepares her spell but the Captain of Glandus' team steps in front of him, making a quick decision in the moment Luz uses an illusion to create 7 Harrys running at him. He freezes in confusion before each illusion passes through him poofing away as he passes the ball off the Athena, who jumps on the ice spell, shooting her high enough to throw the ball into the hoop. The crowd goes wild.

30 minutes later
"All right folks, we are just finishing half time. The score is 9:8 with Hexside in the lead, one more score and Hexside wins the game. And the teams are lining up, Glandus starts out with the ball, it's up! Captain Hale takes possession of the ball, but Hexside flanks him, Artemis used what looks like a fire spell to knock Hale off his balance, and takes possession. Remember folks, last year Artemis was the star player, though Noceda might be the runner up, she may be a rookie but she's a Grudgby machine making 7 of the 9 scores Hexside has today. Artemis passes the ball to Noceda."

The ball lands in Luz hands and she takes off, she can hear the crowds cheering her name and the announcer shouting through the speaker but all that was in her mind was her path to the goal, it was quick and easy, dodge the spikes and vines, and you'll be good. Her teammates follow closely covering her tail. As she nears the goal Artemis and Athena use the thorn vault launching her in the air.

"Luz look out!!!" Harry yells from below her, she looks to see one of the Glandus players sending a fire ball her way, so she throws the ball hoping for the best. The ball hits her square in the chest sending her flying backwards into one of the walls of the stadium. Her vision get blurry before going black.

Luz wakes up with lights shining in her eyes, she felt another person's hand in her own. She looked up to see Amity at the side of the bed, Luz seemed to be in the nurses office.

"Ami...?" Luz asked groggily, her head shots up and she smiled happily.

"You're up!!! You've been out for a whole day." Amity explained, Luz tried to move her body upwards but she winced as pain shot through her bone. "Hey careful now, the nurse had to heal some of your broken bones."

"Did we win?" Amity nodded as Luz let her eyes flutter shut again.

"Yeah, that last shot you made was perfect, except for the fact that you could've died." Her voice was full of concern. Luz inhaled a painful breath, before sitting up in the bed.

"Wheres Willow and Gus?"

"I don't. They left at half time and I haven't seen them since, they might've gone home. They're probably at school today." Amity got up from her chair and rested a hand Luz's. The tingly warmth of Amity's hand was welcomed. "You should probably get up, but be careful ok?" Luz nodded as Amity left the room. Did Willow and Gus not wanna be with her or maybe they got bored of the match, but they were also cheerleaders so they couldn't have. Luz slowly got up changing into her uniform and walking out of the office. She searched  the halls and corridors but Willow and Gus were no where in sight. So instead she went to her locker to get her books, a yellow note fell out of  her locker. As she read it her books fell from her hands as she raced off to find Amity. Her harsh breathing irritated her rib cage but once she spotted Amity she put her hands on her knees huffing.

"Willow and Gus are missing." She said on exhale, Amity's head shot up from Boscha's shoulder. Boscha stood up.


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