The Heist Part 2

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Hey all my Girls, gays, and theys, if you're a straight man reading this, are you really straight? Anyway to my new readers reading this chapter I was made aware of a problem there might be with the chapter. So if it part of it is missing please let me know :)

Blue eyes stared back at her. Black hair tucked behind tan ears, black veins spread outwards from the Emperor's eyes towards his cheeks.

"D-Dad...?" Luz's voice wavered as the realization dawned on her. She had no memories of her father but a feeling, a warmth, something the Emperor was lacking, "No....his doppelgänger...." Belos smiled a toothy grin.

"Fast aren't you. Your father would proud, as your mother I assume." Luz jerked forwards, her attempt to attack him was halted by the ropes binding her to the chair.

"Don't talk about my mother!" The ropes cut against her arms as she struggled against her restraints.

"Ah that fire. You share the same fire your father did, I can see that in your eyes. That same spark he had when he died at my hands."

"You killed my father?!" Luz screamed as she kicked out her foot connecting with Belos's chest. The force of the impact sent Belos flying into the wall several feet away. The amount of force behind the kick surprised Luz. Belos struggled to stand up, a violent cough filling the room.

"Such power..." Belos stood up moving towards the door. "I will be back for you shortly. Don't bother trying to escape, there are guards posted outside your door." As the loud boom of the heavy metal door shut Luz instantly started working against the ropes. They cut deep into her skin, whatever Soarin had tied her felt like it was leaded with nails. Soarin. She had forgotten about his lifeless body laying on the floor, his eyes were still open, blood was pooled around his body. The color from his skin had faded, all the life had left his body. A twinge of sympathy pulled at her heart, Soarin didn't deserve to die, especially not it the horrible way he did. The door opened as Belos walked in, several medical looking devices floating in the air behind him. He walked over to her stepping over Soarins body on his way. Out of the air he pulled a large tube, conected to a thick needle.  "Now hold still, or this is gonna hurt a lot." Belos brought the needle closer to Luz's arm. Fear went in a wave throughout her body.

  "What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelled as pushed the large needle into the crook of her arm, where her bicep meets her forearm. The needle harshly entered her body, the thickness of the needle pressed harshly against the muscles on the inside of her arm as it entered her vein. Blood started flowing through the the tube. Belos pinched the end of the tube before attaching a large bag and securing to the tube, allowing her blood to flow out into the bag. 

"Now you're gonna sit here as I drain you of every drop of that precious concoction of human, witch blood you've got in you. And that, is gonna cure me of my ailment. My disease if you have it. But, you...." Belos slapped her cheek before taking hold of her jaw and looking into her deep brown eyes. "You'll likely die in a matter of a few hours." Luz's stomach dropped, as Belos, stood up and walked out of the room. 

"Belos!!! Come back here!!!" The large door slammed shut and she was alone, excluding Soarins cold corpse lying on the floor. Luz looked down at the bag that was slowly filling up with blood. She closed her eyes and looked up towards the ceiling. This is the end, this is where she dies, alone. Unless the others could find a way to get her the fuck out of here. 

  "What do you mean she wasn't taken with you?!" Amity yelled at Boscha, Willow placed a comforting hand on Boscha's shoulder, to ease the tension she was holding.

"I told you already. When we were taken into the compound the guards took us in two different direction. When I got here Willow's mind was wiped and Gus was unconscious on the floor. I don't know where the human is." Amity started pacing the floor, placing a hand to her forehead.

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