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Sorry this took so long to get posted. Yesterday was crazy. I hope you enjoy this, even thought it's shit.

It had been a week since Luz's mission to get the portal back. Everything had been quite since then, but that made Luz uneasy. It was like the calm before the storm, she knew Belos was cooking up a plan.

"Eda I'm gonna talk a walk." Luz said from the front door she heard a groan of approval from the couch where Eda was napping. She she closed the dirt behind her she felt something resting on her should.

"IIIII wanna go on a walk." Hooty said into her ear. Luz hit him on the head causing the bird tube to slide back into his hole.

"Hooty no touching." Luz decreed before walking off into the forest. Taking walks always helped Luz clear her head. The smell of cinnamon filled her nose, and the trees waved as the wind passed through them, it was nice peaceful. As Luz got deeper into the forest she heard someone screaming.

"Help! Can someone help me?!" The voice was coming from a hole directly in-front of it. When Luz peered over the edge of the very deep edge she saw,

"Amity?" When Amity heard Luz's voice her head shot up and her face lit up.

"Luz thank the Titan that you're here. Help me up." Luz sat on the edge of the hole letting her feet dangle off into it.

"Mmm I dunno maybe I should just let you-" From out of nowhere Amity jumped up and grabbed Luz's leg pulling her her into the hole. Luz hit the ground with a loud thud and a groan.

"You just made this worse. Now we're BOTH stuck in here." Luz examined the walls of the hole. It was a very deep hole. Someone went through a lot of trouble to dig this.

"At least I'm not alone. Like I was for three years." Amity scoffed crossing her arms and looking away from her.

"You can't blame me for that! I never wanted to leave!" Luz couldn't tell if she was more hurt or angry, she sighed and slid down the wall and sat down. "I never wanted to leave..."

"Then why didn't you come back...." Amity was crying now, her voice breaking up. Luz got up and touched her shoulder but she flinch and smacked her hand away. "Don't touch me!" She yelled before she softened.

"Ami...I couldn't come back...Belos was looking for the portal Eda had to hide it...he wanted to invade my world.." Luz paused. "He wants to kill me." Amity's pupils shrunk and she tensed and looked away. Luz sat back down and crossed her arms behind her head, Amity sat across from her doing the same, when she looked up she noticed Amity quickly averting her gaze a blush gracing her checks.

"I'm sorry Luz...." Amity's voice was soft and tender like her gaze. Luz flashed her a smile and laughed.

"It's ok."

Several hours had passed by yet nobody had come for the two of them yet.

"Remember when we had that sleep over with Gus and Willow and we made them thought there was someone trapped in the walls?" Amity asked laughing.

"Oh yeah! And Gus nearly peed himself!" They had both spent hours laughing and talking about old memories from when they were kids.
"We've both grown up...a lot." Luz let out a small laugh, thinking about all the things they did together made Luz realize how much they both had changed in so many ways. Amity wasn't the same ambitious girl she had known, sure she was still ambitious but she was much more methodical and mature about it. And there were the physical changes too...but we're not gonna talk about that.

"We have. Especially you."

"Yeah I've had a little bit of a glow up." Amity looked at Luz blankly, which was to be expected since that was a human world term. "'s's when someone changes a lot for the better, they like, get better looking."

"Oh that's another one of those human words ." Luz laughed and nodded, she forgot how little the people in the boiling isles knew about the human world. A crunching sound drew their attention to the top of the whole. "Hey! Is someone there?!" Amity jumped up from her spot yelling. A floof of grey hair popped over the edge followed by gold eyes.

"Kid? What are you doing down here with Little Miss Perfect." Eda asked. Both the girl's eyes lit up with the sight of the witch.

"Eda!" They both shouted, for a moment Luz had begun to think she'd be stuck in that hole with Amity forever, not that she would've minded it.

"Kid you lift up LMP and I'll help her the rest of the way and you're tall and...weirdly muscular you can get up without the help of a poor old witch like myself." Luz rolled her eyes before motioning Amity over to her, she locked her fingers together and looked up and the beautiful witch standing above her. The light hit her eyes perfectly and they nearly sparkled. She could see Amity's lips moving but no words came out.

"Luz!" Luz shook her head when Amity's voice broke her daze.

"Yeah, sorry. You ready?" Amity nodded before stepping on Luz's hand before being lifted up to the top of the hole. Luz took a deep breath before backing up away from the wall. "Ok Luz you've seen enough American Ninja Warrior to do got this." Luz sprinted up the wall using her feet to push her up and over the the wall.

"Well my work here is done." Eda said walking off as Luz got up off the floor. The sky was already dark and she knew that at night all the creepy creatures came out.

"I should get going back home." Amity's tone was soft as she pointed off into the woods behind her.

"No, the Blight Manor is too far away and it's dark, you should just stay the night here." Amity laughed nervously thinking she was joking but stopped when she realized Luz was serious.

"No I couldn't do that. I don't have any cloth-" Luz took her hand cutting her off as she led her to the Owl House. And Luz knew that Amity would protest because she couldn't say no to Luz's puppy dog face. Once they got into the Owl House Luz informed Eda that she was staying the night and dragged her to her room.

"Here you can sleep in this." Luz handed Amity her BAD GIRL COVEN shirt. "It might be a little big on you because it's mine but I'm sure it will work." She flashed a toothy grin while Amity furiously blushed.

"Uh yeah-yeah this will work. I'm gonna go change in the bathroom." Amity walked out the door and Luz flipped on her bed. It was big enough for the two of them but she wasn't sure if Amity was will to share between the two of them. If she was being honest Luz was nervous about Amity staying the night. What if she talked in her sleep and embarrassed herself. No no no, you're overthinking this. You'll be fine. All of Luz's thoughts went out the window when Amity walked back in the room. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor when she drank in her image. The shirt Luz had gave her was much too big causing one side of it to fall off her shoulder, exposing the soft pale curve of her neck. Amity had let her hair down and she tucked a piece of hair behind her pointed ear once she noticed Luz staring.

"Um...left side or right...?"

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