The Heist Part 1

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Guess how old I am. If you get it right, I'll add one thing to my story, that you've requested. One. PG. Thing.


Boscha was dragged to a row of prison cells, iron bars lined from floor to ceiling. The stench of death hung low in the air, slowly creeping into Boscha's nostrils. She was thrown into a small cell, the ground was cold and wet, an annoying dripping sound echoed throughout the whole room. Boscha stuck her head through the bars and looked down the long corridor of somewhat empty cells.

"Willow?!" The sound of her voice traveled down the corridor but no answer. Rustling came from the cell next to her and she saw a green head perk of from the cell bed.

"Who is it." A wave of relief flooded over her, she noticed Gus was laying down in the cell next to Willow's.

"'s me...." Willow turned around to took Boscha in her three blue eyes. Her head cocked to the side as she scratched her head.

"I'm sorry...should I know you?"


Amity sat on a large purple velvet bed, in a large room with white walls and golden accents. Zul you walked out of her bathroom drying her hands, and suddenly with no shirt on. Amity trailed her eyes from shaggy brown hair to flexed biceps, and rippling abdominal muscles under dark skin. She grabbed two glasses out and brought them to the bed side pouring some sort of bubbly liquid into them, setting the glasses on a bed.

"This is a celebratory alcoholic drink from the human world, it's very rare." Z said taking a sip of the fizzy drink. As she set down the glass she noticed Amity hadn't taken a drink. "Do you not enjoy alcohol?" Amity shook her head and leaned towards Zul's ear, as Z closed her eyes Amity slipped a small white pill into her drink as she whispered.

"I want to be as sober as I can for what happens later tonight." Amity took Zul's face in her hand, the angle her hand was pressed against Zul's sharp jawline. She pressed her lips the the other witch's and a spark spread through her body. The feeling was odd, Z smelled like Luz, and from her memory, tasted like her. Though she didn't want to kiss her, she just needed to buy herself time while the tablet dissolved. Amity thought kissing Zul would bring back old memories of what Soarin did to her but Zul was so much like Luz she was almost comfortable. When Z pulled away she took another sip of her champagne and a smile played on Amity's lips.


A cloak was removed from Luz's head and she found herself tied to a chair with her arms to her side. As she struggled with the bonds, out of the shadows a figure appeared.

"Soarin." Luz growled under her breath, his blue hair was long and shaggy and looked as if it hands been brushed. Black stubble sprouted from her think face and there were circles under his eyes, he looked terrible.

"That's right human. Like what you see?" He asked before his fist connected with Luz's jaw, blood pooled in her mouth as pain radiated from the impact. She spit blood on the stone floor, as it dripped down her chin. "You ruined everything for me!" Another hit to her face caused blood to spill from her nose and mouth. The sharp spiking pain dulled into a slight throb. Luz lifted her head and smiled a toothy grin, blood staining her white teeth, before spitting blood all over Soarin's white robe.

"I didn't do anything. You raped Amity. You abused her. Anything that happened to you was your fault." One last hit to Luz's skull left her vision blurry, spots starting appearing as she looked up, Emperor Belos appeared from the corner of the room. Soarin was laughing maniacally in triumph, but with the wave of his hand, the emperor sent his staff soaring through the air before it ultimately collided with Soarin, piercing his back and protruding from his chest.

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