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Hey Y'all don't forget to check out my new story I won't say I'm in Love. The first chapter is up! Also I totally thought that I  posted these and that the new story was just a bust lmao

After Luz's breakdown last night she found herself feeling much better. Who knew that letting out your feelings was a good thing. Luz woke up shortly after Amity, she found that her girlfriend had taken a liking to the good witch Azura hat that sat on top of her wardrobe. She took to her tip toes to reach up and grab it. The young witch dusted it off and smiled at it, they both remembered when the good witch Azura books were their entire lives. Luz got up and brushed off the brim of hat, Amity smiled placing the hat onto Luz's head, straightening it so it fit perfectly onto her head. Amity giggled clapping her hands together, flashing a toothy smile which revealed her small fangs which Luz was often reminded that she had.

"The Good Witch Luzura. Hey, it fits, and the hat looks good too. Maybe you should keep it. Emperor Luzura." Luz scoffed rolling her eyes and taking it off of her head turning it in her hands, "It sounds a lot better than Emperor Noceda, Emperor Luz is a little better-"

"How about Emperor Noceda-Blight." Amity's eyes fell up to meet Luz's quickly. A scarlet color painting her face.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Luz chuckled placing the hat back on the top of the wardrobe, pulling a hoodie over her head and leaving the room, and Amity to her own stuttering, blubbering mess. The rest of the morning the three women spent their time packing up for their journey back to the boiling isles. Leaving the human world was a lot easier this time since she wasn't really leaving anything behind because her mother and the woman she loved were both beside her as they all stepped through portal together. As their vision flashed white and the world around them melted away into the Boiling Isles. The portal put them into the surprisingly beautiful courtyard that Willow had transformed from its weeded and dead former self. Camilla stood looking all around the courtyard in awe at the new world around her.

"Welcome to the Boiling Isles." Luz said smiling, they proceeded into what Gus called the great hall, which literally, is a really big long hallway lined with extravagant wall carvings and art work. One of Luz's guards kneeled in front of her placing a hand to his chest.

"Emperor Noceda, Deputy Blight, you have a, returned, and with the Empress Mother. Shall I send for Ms. Clawthorne and your dignitary James?" He asked returning to his standard position.

"Yes, please. And Jeremey, will you make sure the Emperor's chambers, and the guest chambers are prepared, please and thank you." Jeremy nodded bowing slightly before carrying on down the hallway. Camilla turned to Luz.

"These people, they all answer to you? And you Amity? What is this Deputy business." Amity walked over to Camilla and linked her arm around Camilla's leading her forwards, ahead of Luz.

"Yes they all answer to her. And I'm sort of her right hand, all the decisions made have to be cleared by me, so it's not just one person making all the rules. Like last time." Their conversation trailed off as they walked out of earshot. Luz smiled at having the two people she loved most in the world she felt the best in. When they got to Luz's office Eda and James were waiting for them. Eda's eyes widened once she laid eyes on the three of them.

"Well who is this hot slice of fairy pie?" Eda cocked an eyebrow looking Camilla up and down who was blushing, Luz groaned loudly pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Eda this is my mother, Camilla." Eda looked from Luz to Camilla and then back to Luz again shrugging. James looked at Camilla squinting his eyes at her before a look of epiphany painted across his face.

"Camilla...?" He asked in disbelief, everyone looked between James and Camilla.

"James...?" The two of them embraced each other tightly laughing together leaving everyone out of the loop. Luz shook her head, her face contorted in confusion.

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