What Next?

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"Welcome Human. I have been expecting you for some time." Belos said in a deep voice, a bead of sweat dripped down the side of Luz's face. From what she could tell there was no one with him.

"You're not getting the portal." Luz said as she saw Eda and Willow land in a group of trees.

"Like you would be able to stop me. I'm the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles." He said laughing maniacally, Luz scowled, he was challenging her and she knew it, but she couldn't take the bait.

"You don't know me, and you don't know what I'm capable of." Luz could hear his smirk hat was hidden by his large mask.

"Oh but I do. Let me introduce you to my associate, Ms Z." The Emperor waved a hand and out of the shadows emerged a tall figure in a golden owl mask and a white hooded robe. As they took of their mask and hood Luz felt all the air leave her lungs. It wasn't possible, she looked exactly like Luz. Dark hair, tan skin, one chocolate brown eye and a scar stretching over a silver one and small pointed ears.

"H-how...?" Luz asked in terrified and confused manner. Z smiled a devilish smile before walking towards her.

"Our two worlds are parallel. There are many differences as everything does but, somethings remain the same." Z took Luz's face in her hand and squeezed it tightly examining her face before letting it go.

"Doppelgängers...." Luz said from under her breath Z smiled putting space between them looking at the floor before locking eyes with her once again.

"Yes well, there can only be on of us." Z pointed a finger at Luz and blue lightning erupted from her finger striking Luz in the chest. It sent her flying backwards slamming against the ground, she lost her grip on her staff making it fall of the edge of the cliff. Luz groaned as she got up from the floor. Belos was in the back ground watching the events take place.

"Now that's not very fair now is it. You've got your magic and I don't." Z smirked as she sent another bolt of lightning at her which luckily Luz was able to dodge. Luz saw from the corner of her eye Eda and Willow mounting Owlbert with the portal in Willows hands.

"You can't win!" Z screamed as she sent  several quick bolt hurtling towards Luz which had her leaping a dodging at every turn. Once Luz saw Eda and Willow in the sky she smile get nearer and nearer to the edge of the cliff.

"You're right..." Luz panted, "I can't win. But neither can you." Luz looked at Z's foot which was now standing on a plant glyph which caused her to look as well. Luz smirked before leaping of the edge of the clip backwards. As she was free falling she heard the explosion of the glyph, lightning shot into the air and Z screamed in anger making Luz smile. Maybe Belos had learned not to fuck with her anymore, that even though she was a human, she was a powerful witch and Luz was sure he knew it. Or he wouldn't have brought his back up.

The wind whipped around her body as she fell, the familiar hoot of Owlzura got closer and closer. She opened her eyes to Owlzura flying up to her. Luz quickly outstretched her arms to catch the base of the staff in her hands. She gripped the staff tightly as her body was suspended in mid air.

"Take me home." Luz said as she mounted her staff, once she was settled Owlzura took off. As she approached the Owl House she saw Lilith, Gus, Willow, and Eda were all waiting for her. Eda was pacing back and forth but once she saw Luz in the air she stopped. As Luz landed she stumbled into Eda's arms.

"Hey kid..." she said as she hugged her tightly.

"We did it...." Luz pulled away smiling, all of them joined in a hug laughing, thankful that they all came back alive.

"The portal's safe." Willow said quietly.

"Ok good... But it's not over yet, there's something I need to tell you guys..."

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