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Luz sat on the edge of the porch fiddling with the edges of her witches robe. The night was cold and quiet, Eda and King were both inside playing Hexsus Hold'em. Luz often found it peaceful outside, especially at the boiling isles, the air didn't smell disgusting and polluted, it was sweet, a little bit cinnamony. Her nose was healing quite nicely even though it'd only been a day, but she definitely had to remember not to let to much blood run into her head or it'd start hurting again due to the pressure. Luz sighed and closed her eyes, she knew she was tired but she was determined to stay awake. Ever since she returned to the boiling isles her mind had been plagued with nightmares of Emperor Belos. For some reason she couldn't get him out of her head, it was easier to get Amity to leave her thoughts then Belos, and that's saying something. Rustling from nearby bushes drew her attention away from her thoughts. She stood up cast a light glyph and tightly gripped Owlzura as she walked towards the noise. As she entered the bushes someone grabbed her and slammed her against a tree. The impact loosened her grip on Owlzura and made her drop the staff.

"What are you doing here?!" Someone hissed under their breath, Luz blinked her eyes a few times to adjust to the lighting, light cyan eyes stared at her. Luz followed the eyes to dirty pale skin and ruffled raven blue hair.

"Lilith...?" Lilith rolled her eyes and pressed Luz into the tree harder before speaking again. Luz knew she could easily break free from the older witch's grasp but she wanted answers.

"Of course it's me you imbecile. I told you never to come near here, you are not to harm Edalyn or any of her companions." Luz remained silent, confusion etched on her face. Lilith's eyes searched her face and found favor squinting at her right eye. Realization painted her face and she backed away. "Human... it's you." Luz was still very confused.

"Um yeah...who the hell else would I be....?" Lilith brushed off her question, took her arm and dragged her out of the bushes.

"That's not important, save that for another time, I must speak with my sister." Luz picked up Owlzura off the ground and followed Lilith into the house. Eda was sitting on the couch with King as she drank apple blood.

"Lily? What are you doing here it's not safe." Eda got of from the couch and approached them both. Lilith looked stressed about something, and her emotion seemed to be rubbing off on Eda.

"He found it Edalyn, the emperor has found it." Lilith's tone was very urgent and worried and by Eda's reaction it was something bad.

" couldn't have..." Eda started pacing the floor with her fingers to her temples. "It's impossible."

"Couldn't have found what?" Luz asked but the two women ignore her question like she never spoke at all.

"A map. Someone found it and made a map, or they saw you. All that matters is that he knows."

"Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?!" Both the elder witches looked at her, her confusion was clear in her face and her voice. Eda closed her eyes and rested a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes.

"Belos found the portal, the portal to your world, the human realm." Luz's eyes widened in shock, her mind filled with all the possibilities of what could happen once he gets to the portal.

"A map to the portal was purchased just days ago and I assume now that it is Belos possession he will strike by night fall." Lilith's solemn tone meant she wasn't joking, thought she never did laugh much.

"Then we strike too." Luz said lifting her head up. Eda smiled at her apprentice's willingness to fight, she knew she taught her well.

"Alright. Get Greenie and Chocolate Twinkie, oh and don't forget about Little Miss Perfect. She's a powerful witch, we can use her, but I bet you already know that." Eda winked at Luz making her blush a little bit Lilith stopped them both.

"No, my apprentice will side with the Emperor, she is one to take her job above all else." No matter how much Luz wanted to deny it, Lilith was right, in the end, Amity would side with Belos, and she knew it.

"Forget her then. Let's round em' up, get ready for a fight, he won't come alone." Eda smiled, thought you would expect Eda to be worried about the whole situation, chaos was still her crack and she'd never get rid of that addiction.

Luz looked in the mirror, her face bruised around her eyes and nose thanks to Soarin Bates, her scar glistened in the light. It had only been a few weeks but she'd already been through so much. Willow and Gus approached her and they both laid a hand on her shoulder making her smile, she turned back to both of them.

"I love you're my best friends." Willow pulled her and Gus into a tight hug.

"We love you too." Gus mumbled into Willows shoulder, when they all pulled away Luz took a deep inhale of breath.

"We're all coming back. No matter what." Luz said they all nodded before walking out into the Living room where Eda and Lilith were waiting. "We all clear on the plan?" Everyone in the room nodded. Eda, Lilith, Gus and Willow walked out the door but just as Luz was about to follow King came out of his room.

"You're gonna come back right....?" Luz smiled, and nodded before kissing him on the head.

"Of course I am. Keep Hooty company will you?" King nodded before she left the truth was she didn't know if she would come back, the Emperor was a dangerous witch, he controlled the whole Boiling Isles except from her own band of merry women plus Gus. She took a deep breath before closing the door. Eda was mounted onto Owlbert and Lilith was already mounted on her staff Corvus.

"Greenie you're with me, Twinkie you're with Lily." They both mounted onto the staffs and Luz heard Willow groaning to Eda.

"You know I have a name right?"

"Yup." Luz laughed at her mentors childish antics. Luz stood vertically on the retractable wings she installed at the end of her staff.

"Eda, Willow you're in charge of getting the portal to me, Lilith and Gus you're on look out for more coven guards and back up for me, since I'll be distracting Belos, but don't help me until you know Eda and Willow are out with the portal. Got it." They all hummed in agreement.

"Leadership looks good on you Human." Lilith said before slapping the back of her staff sending them into the sky, Luz laughed when she heard Gus screaming in fear.

"I don't know how I feel about you going this alone." Eda's concern was appreciated, and to be honest Luz was nervous as hell, she didn't know how this was gonna go, especially if Amity was going to be there.

"I'll be fine Eda. You'll see me alive at the end of this. But no matter what happens to me, you have to get out of there ok...?" Luz was speaking mostly to Willow because she knew that if anything were to happen to her Eda wouldn't leave her, but she trusted Willow to get her to go. Willow nodded slightly and gave her a smile in which Luz returned it.

"Stay safe kid."

"Right back at you." Luz said before they both took off. Eda trailed behind her so that she could get there first so that Belos wouldn't notice them flying in. Luz balanced her self on the horizontal staff as she stood up, flying of the staff standing up felt like riding a skateboard or a hoverboard from Back to the Future. It didn't take long before she passed up Lilith and Gus, but the time it took to get to the knee made her go over her plan over and over again. There were ways the plan could go wrong, many ways, but she trusted her team in getting it done.

Luz arrived at the knee faster than she thought. She saw Belos standing on a plateau of rock waiting for her to land. When she approached the ground she stepped on the wings on the back of the staff flipping it vertically, as her feet touched the ground she flourished her staff before slamming the end of the staff on the ground sending out a shock wave that simply passed through Belos. Luz smirked.

"Emperor Belos, I heard you've been looking for me. Figured it was time we met."

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