That's My Girl!

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"Oh my god man. I'm so sorry." Soarin was standing in front Luz an Amity. Pain radiated throughout Luz's face and blood dripped down her face running down her face.

"No, no it's fine." Truth is it wasn't fine. Who does this, 180 pound sack of dick tips, think he his. One Amity isn't "his". Two you can't just fucking punch someone in the face and possible most likely break their nose. Three Amity's close proximity is really not helping me keep my cool. Amity's hand was cupping Luz's face as she surveyed the damage, her eyes were laced with concerned.

"I think it's broken." Amity pointed out letting go of her face. Luz noticed Willow and Gus walking towards her, Willows eyes flicked towards Amity who was still very close to her and she raised an eyebrow, and Gus smirked. Luz pulled away from Amity's touch and

"Oh man I'm sorry, I thought you were a guy. Just trying to protect my Ami." Soarin said in a deep voice. Luz tensed at the use of the nickname, or it was the fact that he grabbed her waist pulling her in and lewdly slapped her ass making Amity jump and wince in pain. The action made anger boil deep inside of Luz, but no, this was not the time to start shit up.

"I understand, you two seem like a happy couple." Luz smiled as Gus and Willow walked up beside her.

"Oh yeah we are, it was all arranged but we fell in love the moment we met, isn't that right, baby?" Amity's eyes were on the ground, her head flicked up and she put on a smile and nodded.

"Yup that's right. So in love." Luz had know Amity to be tough and strong, but now she seemed reserved and quite, Gus put a hand on her shoulder.

"We best get Luz home to Eda, and get her fixed up." Willow and Gus looped their arms through Luz's and dragged her off.

"Luz The Human? Why is she here, she's wanted, you have to turn her in." Luz heard Sorain whisper once he thought she was out of reach.

"I don't have to do anything." Luz could hear the frustration in Amity's voice. Soarin growled at her cocky defiance.

"I'll deal with you later." He hissed.

"Eeeedddddaaaaaaa Luz and her small friends are at the dooooor. Hoot Hoot."  Hooty yelled, the door opened revealing the grey haired witch.

"Oh you're covered in blood. Good thing you weren't wearing that damn white shirt." Eda said rolling her eyes letting the trio in the door.

"Hey that shirt is designer!" Luz yelled walking after her Willow and Gus trailing behind her, they sat on the couch and Eda stood in front of them her arms crossed.

"Guess I have to fix you up, again." She drew a circle in the air and Luz felt a sudden pop, pain, and then more blood streaming out of her nose. "Ah! Fuck! What was that for?" Though Eda quickly ignored her question as Luz cupped her nose. "Greenie what happened?"

"What about m-" Eda cut Luz off with the swoosh of a finger.

"Well Luz was found on top of Amity for Titan knows why and then she got punched in the face by her fiancé Soarin and he broke her nose." Willow explained crossing her legs over one another content in her answer.

"Oh so you were getting handsy with Little Miss Perfect?" Eda smirked and uncrossed her arms before walking away from them. "That's my girl!"

"Eda that's not what happened!" She yelled after her. Luz turned to Willow and Gus. "You guys know that's not what happened right?" Gus shrugged and walked out of the room with Willow both of them smiling. "Right?!".

Sorry this Chapter is so short. I'm gonna be on a trip for most of this up coming week so expect more chapters. My outline says things are gonna start getting juicy ;)

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