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2 weeks later

Luz paced the floors of the owl house. After the months she had been in the boiling isles she had changed. Her dark brown hair had grown long enough so it could be pulled into an inch long ponytail at the base of her neck, she was slightly thinner and her skin was tougher, literally and figuratively, scars were scattered across her body and the once bright chocolate eyes had dimmed with tiredness. The cut along her face had closed and with the help of healing magic it had scarred.   Amity sat on Luz's bed propping her back against the head board, legs underneath Luz's deep blue duvet, reading by the soft glow of the lamp light which illuminated the dark room. The auburn hair witch peered up from her book, her eyes resting on Luz who was still in her day clothes.

"Luz, darling come to bed will you? You need rest." Luz stopped walking and sighed rubbing her temples. As she stepped over to the left side of the bed, when she peeled back the covers Amity slapped her hand away. "You are not getting into this bed wearing those stinky nasty clothes. Go change." Luz huffed stripping off her shirt and pants throwing them into the hamper that sat in them corner, leaving her in a black Calvin Klein sports bra and black boxer briefs with a white waist band.

"Better?" She asked slipping under the covers and resting her head on the pillow, looking up at Amity, who closed her book setting it on her nightstand and turning off the lamp. She shifted under the covers and rested her head on her own pillow, reaching over to gently pull the hair tie from Luz's hair and rolling it down Luz's wrist.

"I don't know how I'm going to do this Amity, I don't know if I can be emperor, take care of a child, I mean I've always wanted kids but I'm 18." Luz rolled onto her stomach and shoved her face into her pillow groaning loudly.

"Luz, you know you will always have me, Gus, Willow, Boscha, Eda, Lilith, King, Hootie, and now James. You have so many people who love you and will help you. All you have to do is rennet that, and don't be to proud to ask for our help Noceda." Luz pushed herself off her pillow and onto her side.

"You're right. I love you Ami. I think almost dying was about the worst it could get." She chuckled allowing herself to finally sink into the bed and let her eyes flutter shut.

"I know I'm right, I'm the brain in this
relationship." Amity turned over, scooting into Luz's warm embrace, "I love you too Luz." After that the two of them drifted peacefully into a deep sleep, not a wrinkle of worry on their faces.

The Fab Five, Eda, Lilith, and King all stood on a stage in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. Lights flashed at Luz who was standing in front of a podium, she could pick out Gus's dad who was talking in front of a camera. Luz drew a circle in the air and pointed a finger to her throat allowing the spell to amplify her voice. She cleared her throat drawing the attention of the bustling crowd causing the sound to cease. The piece of paper in Luz's hand was slightly crumpled, a small speech scribbled on it.

"L-ladies and gentlepeople...I..." Luz sighed, rubbing her temples and crushing the paper, shoving it into her pocket. Amity placed a hand in her shoulder and Luz smiled softly at her.

"Hello, my name is Luz Noceda. Many of you don't know who I am. But I come from the Human world, my mother is a human, and my father was a witch, he like all of you, was from the Boiling Isles." Whispers scattered through the crowd as Luz paused slightly, "Magic doesn't come easily to me as it does all of you, and I never wanted to be your emperor. But now that I am, I will do everything in my power to be fair to everyone. Starting with appointing the Emperors council who will help balance the power. Edalyn Clawthorne will be head of all 9 covens. Eda will represent the problems in the covens or between covens during meetings of the Emperor's council. Willow Park and Boscha Bates will be Peace Keepers, they will handle issues that involve the needs and issues of individuals, if you have any problems you should go to them. Lilith Clawthorne will represent school professors and students. Gus Porter will be the head of Media, he will announce and enact the needs the Emperor's council discusses. And Amity Blight will be the Emperor's deputy, my right hand, she will also be in charge of, as well as myself, human and witch relations." A hush fell over the crowd at Luz's last statement, a few whispers here and there before a few shouts of protest sounded.

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