2 Hours

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Ok so like I was watching separate tides and like....Luz? Thank you for my TED Talk. Also I think I'm gonna try to update at least one chapter on TOH Saturdays.

Blood dripped from Luz's eyebrow into her eye as she blinked away tears. Rain poured heavily, soaking her clothes and hair to her skin. She clutched the large cut along the side of her side. Her body fought to continue the rise and fall of  her chest.

"It's over Luz!" Z screamed as lightning struck lighting up the bridge, water glistening in the flash of light. It illuminated the seemingly lifeless bodies of everyone she loved. Willow, Gus, Boscha, Eda, Lilith. And Amity, she loved Amity, she couldn't let her die, not now, not after all they had been through together. Luz mustered up the strength to stand tall, wincing as the movement caused  a fiery like pain to shoot through her veins. (Sheesh)

"As long as I'm still breathing it's not over."

2 Hours Earlier

The Fab Five, minus Amity and Luz, made their way into the stronghold. Eda and Lilith leading the group. The disguises made it rather easy for the Five of them to go un recognized, all they had to do was act like they got lost looking for the exit. Their plan was to break into the stronghold and sneak their way up to the main tower and take care of the emperor. But that would take a while considering the height of the main tower, so far most of their way up the tower was easy and unguarded considering most of the guards were at the ball, which Luz and Amity were taking care of, and guarding the Emperor. The quintet made it up to the 5th floor where most of the guards were stationed. Boscha stopped the group by grabbing onto Eda, causing her to whip around shooting daggers towards her.

"Watch it Pinky, if we stop on, 20\1 we'll be captured so keep your 3 eyes in front of you. And your 2 hands to yourself." Boscha rolled her eyes scoffing but with a gentle hidden touch by Willow, she relaxed slightly.

"Are you just gonna start numbering all my appendages or are you gonna let me speak?" Eda puffed air out nodding, "Listen, level 5 is off limits to the public so if we're seen there isn't gonna be any letting things slide. They will most definitely kill us. And I don't know about you but I'm rather young and too hot to die now." Her snarky comment earned a elbow jab from the green haired girl next to her. "There are 5 guards ahead, if we knock them out and switch out outfits were more likely not to be captured."

"Edalyn, she is correct, for I served the emperor and learned he is ruthless to trespassers." Lilith whispered to her sister, the elder witch sighed contemplating what a Boscha had suggested, as much as she didn't want to stray from Luz's plans, they were slightly flawed in that respect.

"Ok...but if anything goes wrong, this is on you tr-eye-cycle." Eda pushed a bony finger to Boscha chest before moving forward.

"See Luz was wrong not to have me help in the planning, we would've been killed if it wasn't for me." Boscha boasted with a proud smile across her lips.

"Well the last plan you helped plan also to got all of us killed so I don't wanna hear it." Gus chimed in over Boscha and Willow's shoulders, which send 3 eyes glaring back at him. The young witch looked up at the sky, "Dear, The Writer, why did you have to right her in, I know we always need a baddie who's secretly good, but, her? Honestly. The audacity." Gus said under his breath. The Quintet walked down the hallway where the 5 guards were stationed.

"Hey! No citizens allowed on this level! Leave! Now!" One of the guards shouted at them. Surprisingly in a matter of seconds Willow had vines coming through the windows and wrapping up the guards, the vines wrapped around heir necks slowly choking them until they slowly slipped away into unconsciousness.

"Well that was surprisingly impressive....mmm I'm blanking on what to call you." Eda's eyebrows knit together trying to think of a creative nickname for Willow, "Whatever for right now you're gonna be...leaf.........bitch........" Willow blinked her mouth opening and c,owing trying to think of something to say.

"Edalyn I think that's maybe a bit offensi -" Lilith began but was quickly cut off by Eda who started giving orders.

"Leaf bitch....actually Topiary is better for now, Topiary, gently lower those guards, emphasis on the gentle. I've has to clean up brain before and trust me, it's not fun, especially enjoy chunky bits. Tr-eye-cycle and Chocolate Twinkie start changing into he uniforms and put your costumes onto the guards." While everyone was baffled by Eda's words they carried out what she had asked. The Quintet quickly changed out of their costumes and into the guard uniforms. Once changed and the unconscious guards were hidden he walked single file up to the top of the main tower. Around a hundred coven guards were at the top floor, they marched passed them or were posted at every entrance and window you could lay your eyes on. Lilith leaned forward to whisper into Eda's ear.

"I think they know that we are here." A small bead of sweat began rolling down Eda's face, one because the mask was hot as hell and two Luz and Amity had better hurry the hell up. They approached the box where the emperor was sitting a glass, of what looked like wine, in hand.

"More wine!" He yelled. Boscha was quick to grab his glass, as the others stood single file at the wall. She poured more wine into it from a cart that was nearby, but not before slipping in the sleeping pills waiting a few seconds before they dissolved. "Hurry Up!" Boscha bowed before the Emperor offering the cup.

"Apologies Emperor Belos." She said before walking back to the group. "Mission accomplished." She whispered. As they all turned to walk down the hallway Z stood behind them a crooked grin playing on her lips. In an instant she cast a spell and all 5 of them found themselves paralyzed suspended in the air. Z walked up to each of them ripping their masks from their faces.

"Edalyn Clawethorn what an honor." She mocked as she moved to the next. "Boscha Bates, Willow Park, and Gus Porter. Luz the Half-Blood's most trusted companions. You chose the wrong side in this battle, the loosing side." It was uncanny to see someone who looked exactly like Luz standing in front of them, but Z was so different, looking into her eyes, was like looking into a black hole, emptiness. Z looked up at Lilith and spit on her before hissing, "traitor". She walked back turning to them and waving her hand as if beckoning someone over to her. "Now all of you are going to help me teach my dear doppelgänger Luz what happens when you defy the emperor." As the words left her mouth Amity walked out of the shadows, she was dressed in her old head conveness uniform, her hair was back into its usual half up half down style, but her beautiful golden iris and the whites of her eyes had turned completely black. Amity was no longer there, who was standing in front of them was empty.

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