Welcome to Hexside

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It had been two days since Luz returned to the Boiling Isles, not much had happened over the weekend but, it was Monday and it was time for Luz to try to re enroll in Hexside. If Bump would let her back. The minimum number of spell needed for 7th year Hexside students was 7. Luckily for Luz, she Only knew 7 spells. At least it was enough to get her in. Luz took Owlbert and flew to Hexside where she met up with Willow and Gus. Hexside looked the same there were more witchlings and were a whole lot more uniforms representing mixed coven tracks.

"You were a bit of inspiration to everyone Luz. People started mixing magic now more than ever." Willow explained as she led a hooded Luz to Bumps office.

"You're even in the hall of great witches for the first human witch to attend Hexside." Gus's smiled faded as quickly as it had appeared. "But, the Emperor's coven took it down. Though Bump never liked the emperors coven so he keeps the picture of you in his office.

"We'll just have to hope no one notices me." So far they had made it into the main building and about 2/3 of the way to bumps office.

"Willow, Gus, Ive been looking for you two everywhere." A familiar female voice called out to them. Luz's victory was short lived. She peered carefully from under her hood making sure to keep her face hidden. Her eyes trailed from clean black boots to pink tights to golden eyes.

"Amity...." Luz whispered in disbelief, her name almost dripping from her lips. Amity looked so different, her hair was longer and it wasn't it's usual green, the green dye had faded and was now only present in a portion of the bottom of her hair but the rest was a natural auburn color, though it was still in her usual half up half down, she was a few inches taller than when Luz remembered but now she had to angle her head down slightly to look at her. A bright smile flashed on black lips. And Luz had a glimpse of...were those fangs?

"Who's this?" Amity asked, if Luz wasn't so determined on staying undercover she would've swooned at the sound of her voice. Willow and Gus looked at each other sweating

"This is..." Willow began but Luz stepped forward and extended her hand, the motion caused the right side of her robe to expose her bare arm, and the large white scars on her shoulder.

"My name is Aster. Aster Grey." Luz "introduced" her self in a slightly deeper voice than normal. Amity's hand met hers. It didn't occur to her how big her hands were compared to Amity's or how soft her hands were. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms....."

"Amity. Amity Blight." Amity responded blushing slightly, she could feel Amity's eyes on her shoulder. Luz stood up straight causing her robe to fall over her shoulder yet keeping her face covered.

"Now Ms. Blight I must be on my way. Ms. Park, Mr. Porter, and I have a very important meeting with Principal Bump."

"We'll talk later Willow?" Amity questioned passively, causing Willow to nod in response. Luz turned on her heel and Willow and Gus led her to Bump's office. Luz exhaled once they were away from Amity, she didn't realize that she had been holding her breath.

"Luz? Are you ok?" Gus placed a hand on her shoulder but she waved him off.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me." She lied. Her heart was aching for the Auburn haired witch behind her. She missed her gentle touch, her voice, she just missed her. But things were different now, they were older, and any feelings Amity might have had for Luz were most likely gone.

"We're here." The trio stopped at the door. Luz paused for a moment before taking off her hood. Let the Emperor come after her, she'd be waiting, and she would be ready. A hand lifted and knocked against the door three times before she opened it. Bump was sitting in his chair looking at the three of them.

"Luz the human. It was my belief that you had left the Boiling Isles several moons ago." He leaned back in his chair intertwined is feminine like hands.

"I was. But I'm back. And I want to-" Bump cut her off by raising a finger.

"Ms. Park, Mr. Porter, please wait outside my office. I must speak to Luz alone." Willow and Gus nodded before exiting the room. Luz locked eyes with Willow and she gave her a reassuring smile back before the door closed. "I assume you're aware the you are wanted by the emperors coven." Luz nodded in response. "And I also sense that you're here to re enroll in Hexside." He stood up and walked to his window looking out on it.

"I am. But from what I hear you don't agree with the emperors coven, and that you've allowed more and more students to mix magic, despite the emperors teachings." Bump stayed quite for a few minutes, staring at the outside world. He turned back to her and sighed.


"What?" Luz was taken aback by Bumps quick response. She thought he'd take convincing to get her in or she'd have to do something, she definitely didn't expect this.

"Yes. I expect you'll be here with your schedule and uniform at the beginning of next week. And I think I ought to get this picture updated." He said as he grabbed a picture of Luz from off his desk. It had a golden plaque at the bottom that read Luz the Human. The First Human Witch. "As long as you are here, you will have my support against the Emperors Coven. Now I haven work that I need to get back to. You may leave." A smile formed on her lips and she nodded her head. Bump siding with her was very unexpected.

"Thank you so much. You won't be disappointed."

"I know I won't. You're a powerful witch Luz, and I think you'll be one of the best this school has produced." He said as Luz walked out the door closing it behind her. Willow and Gus were sitting on chairs that she learned where illusions when they both stood up.

"What did he say?" They asked simultaneously. Luz laughed at the event.

"I'm gonna be your classmate next week!" Luz said excitedly. They all jumped and hugged each other. Luz couldn't believe that things were going back to normal. Maybe even her mom would come here, and they could build up a life in the boiling Isles, with Eda and King, Gus and Willow maybe even....Amity... Thought of her mother made her heart twinge, she didn't want to imagine what her mother was doing, how worried she must be. But Luz could go back whenever she wanted, and maybe she could find away for the human world and the Demon realm to co-exist.

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