Last Author's Note

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Ladies and Gentlepeople, a quick notice that Between Two Worlds will be ended within the next 3 or 4 chapters, and I will not be writing a sequel. I know so sad and disappointing. BUT! There is good news. I will be rewriting this story taking a different approach, because I dont feel like this story has done enough of breaking the audience emotionally, which as the writer of fan fiction, is my job. I also wanted more enemies to Lovers and excruciatingly long low burn, but that's just me. The new story will be titled I won't say I'm in Love. It will take place 3 years in the future same as this one, and will keep some of the same ideas, like Luz being half witch and half human, the doppelgängers, Boschlow, and Amity being a baddie. But most importantly I will be keeping your favorite character, Soarin. Maybe he will die in the new story line, maybe he won't, you'll just have to wait and see. After this new story I will be writing is finished I will be writing a sequel to that one, because I will actually plan out the storyline this time. Anywho, I will be updating the first chapter Monday by the end of the night along with the next chapter of Between Two Worlds. I hope you are all as excited as I am.

-With Love,
The Writer

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