What the hell is going on?

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Hey All My Bad Bitches. Sorry I've been gone so long. My mom died and then AP tests were a thing and my birthday happened and I'm moving and I dyed my hair ginger so mental crisis. BUT WE'RE BACK BITCHES!

Dried leaves gently crumpled under light footsteps as Luz and Amity made their way through the forest keeping away from the trail. The silence between them was peaceful, but slightly stoic. Amity was the first to speak up in a hushed voice, "Luz...?". A deep hum of acknowledgment came from Luz's chest as she held a branch up for Amity to duck under. "So...about last night..." Luz's eyebrow cocked at the young witches statement as she continued walking.

"Yes? What about it." Luz said in a smooth calm tone, the cool collected mood Luz had been keeping was off putting to Amity. The usual hotheaded brash human was unnervingly calm after everything that happened last night.

"Did...does this not matter to you....You're just so calm about this all...you're usually so fiery but how are you so calm..." Amity sputtered out as Luz's strong tan arms pulled her up onto a rock, their faces coming a little too close as she stood up.

"It's because I trust you Amity." Luz's voice was calm, soothing, like water as the words passed her lips and reached amity's ears.

"But what..." Amity's voice trailed off as the pair emerged through the trees to be faced with the Owl House. And before either of them knew it King was running out of the door and up to Luz jumping up for a hug.

"LUZ YOURE BACK!!" He squealed happily making Luz laugh as she set him down on the ground.

"That I am there was a little...bump at Hexside but we're alright. Is Eda in side?" Luz asked walking towards the Owl House.

"Yes she should be but, we are taking care of bat queen's, not so baby, babies." Amity trailed after Luz and King as they walked into the house. Eda sat on the couch in front of three little bat children, reading a little story book. Old tortoiseshell glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. Gold eyes flicked up from where they were fixed and a small smile crept on her face. Eda gave Luz a wink before she closed the book and took the bat queen's babies off to sleep. Luz pulled Amity onto the couch their hands lingering together for a moment, a moment that did not go unnoticed by Eda.

"So did you too fuck? Cuz if not then what the hell is going on?"


"So we need a game plan. The Emperor's guards are everywhere. And it can't be like the last plan you came up with cuz that got you nearly killed." Eda shot daggers at Luz who was conveniently avoiding her gaze. Amity noticed the slight shift in Luz at Eda's statement. Her hands sudden interest on the hem of her witches robe, the fast gentle tap of her foot against the floor.

"Then what should we do." Luz asked. Eda pressed a finger to her chin, eyebrows knit together in thought.

"We need a man on the inside." Eda's eyes flicked to Amity and a light turned on in her gold eyes. "Or, woman." It took a moment for Luz to catch her drift.

"Absolutely not!" Luz stood up looking at Eda before Amity and the to Eda once again. "You can't seriously be thinking about this. Eda?!" The elder woman stayed quieter than normal. "I can't do this right now." Luz walked up the stairs and up to her room, and all that was left was the slamming of the door.

"Listen, I know you don't want to hear this but you're our best shot at keeping Luz and taking down the emperor. You're a good witch, and powerful at that." Eda closed her eyes and pressed to fingers to her temples gentle massaging the small pressure points. "I can't loose her and I know she cares for you, and you care for her. I see it in your eyes. So if you really care for her you'll do this. Please...help me save Luz." Eda's voice struck something in Amity, she knew this was the only way to stop Belos. Yet for some reason she was still reluctant.

"Just...I...I need to think about it." Amity stood up smoothing out her clothes, "I'm going to go talk to Luz." The quiet walk up the stairs to Luz's room was peaceful, her door was shut but a soft white glow peaked out from under the door. Amity knocked on the door softly to announce herself before slowly opening it. Luz was sitting on the window sill her head gently rested against the wall. She was hugging her knee while the other was draped out the window. "Luz...?" Amity called out gently but the other witch didn't respond. The auburn haired witch made her way over to the window and rested her chin on the flat of Luz's knee. Luz's eyes were lost outside, the moon illuminated them making them seem more of a deep oak color than the usual soft chocolate the young witch had grown used to. Amity took a hand and raised it too dark wavy locks and twirled them in between two fingers. Luz's eyes founds Amity's.

"You know I can't let you do this right?" Luz asked softly. Amity stood up so she was almost eye level with Luz.

"I know, that's why we are going to find our own way through this. Together."

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