Chapter 29: A Futile Effort

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The U.S has been making progress in the war. Since the initial deployment of a marine division in the peninsula's, enemy troop movement from the west has been hampered immensely. With U.S superiority in firepower, even with minimal troop deployment in the offset of the war, the enemy has been taking much more casualties. One movement in particular is important to note.


Kingdom of Flenning. Town of Flovenguard.

Its been a couple of days since the Osprey's rapidly deployed U.S marine platoons to the region around Flovenguard. As one of many platoons that are a part of this massive operation to slow or stop the enemy advance to the eastern region of Flenning, they have finally met up to cut off the enemy advance from Flovenguard. In total, nearly a company of marines have met up to form the bulwark against the enemy advance coming from the town of Flovenguard. However, they are just one of many company's in the war that have been deployed to secure and stop enemy advancement in the region. However, this operation in securing the path from Flovenguard is of importance to note. This is because of the massive amounts of Tolerian Kingdom soldiers which are currently resting in the town of Flovenguard.

As a prominent town in the region due to its religion, the town originally had around 15,000 inhabitants. However, refugees in the region numbered in the thousands. It can be said that the towns population is significantly reduced. Especially with all of the pillaging that is occurring in the town. Many of the marines that have been deployed have not seen war before. Its natural. Despite the U.S's image of having a huge military, its been over a decade since the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. So it would be weird if any of them have been deployed before in a war zone. However, the amount of pillaging is just completely new to the marines. They witnessed in the outskirts of Flovenguard the massacre and blatant rape and torture that was occurring around the town. While many of the marines wanted to see some action already, there are still no orders to advance on the town. However, a perimeter has since been set around the town to prevent any more enemy troop movement outside the town.

In a meeting area, the company leader fetched together the lieutenants that are in charge of their respective groups. They are currently looking at their plan of action.

"Command wants us to stop the enemy here. What I am proposing is simply waiting it out until they march out of those gates in an orderly fashion. From there, we will bomb the hell out of them with mortar shells. Any questions?" The company captain spoke sternly. As captain of a company of around 200 men, he puts his men first. Then thinks about fulfilling his task. In this instance, he saw a simple answer to a simple problem. One of the inquired the captain.

"How long until the enemy marches onto their next target?"

The captain answered without hesitation. "The enemy is expected to march by tomorrow. Movement suggests that there are not many provisions left in this town. More scouts have been deployed recently to find food, so we can expect their departure soon. Once they do move from the town, is will be target practice for us men. We will set up to these positions around Flovenguard to prepare for their advance. Although they may number in the thousands, we got enough bullets for all of them." The captain looks around the meeting area again to see if there are any more questions. "Lets move out then."


Flovenguard. Currently occupied by Tolerian troops.

As the town is the most prominent in the area, the 3rd army of the Tolerian Kingdom took this opportunity to re-supply. As one Tolerian soldier walked through the streets, he could hear the screams and wails through the walls of some of the houses. The past busy streets are now only filled with loitering Tolerian troops in leather or metal armor. Some held large swords or pikes. In an era where hand to hand combat is the norm, longer weapons held a bigger advantage on the field.

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