Chapter 41: Ominous Clouds

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A village boy came running down a dirt ridden path leading up to a hill which overlooks his village. As the boy reaches an old tree which takes up the space of the hill, a girl comes running up.

The girl takes a couple of deep breaths as the boy stands next to the tree and looks out to their village. The carefree boy only shouted in a rough manner, proclaiming that he is here in this spot. The girl could only sigh at his mannerisms.

"Aatif, doesn't your mom need help during this time of day?" She remarked as her course breathing could still be heard.

Aatif simply looks at her and smiles. "Mom said I could go out today after helping her all day today, so I did. Anything wrong with that Hasana? I bet you just want to head back since you always come with me."

"Your mom always asks me to come with you cause she is afraid of what could happen when you come to this cliffside alone. It's dangerous all the way up here you know. I heard rumors that there are monsters up here."

Aatif looks at her with a curious look beaming on his face. "Where did you hear those kinds of rumors? From your dad?"

She nods her head in disapproval. "Didn't you hear about the peddlers that were stuck on the road? Apparently their cargo was overloaded on their wagon, causing one of the wheels to break. My dad said that they were clearly packing too much, but the people who were lugging it didn't want to give it up. They said there are monsters coming, and this is all they have."

Aatif smiles again. "I can beat up a monster or two, don't you worry Hasana. I will be able to protect you!" He says confidently. Hasana could only nod her head.

"Yeah yeah. With those stick like arms of yours, you could surely fend off maybe a rabbit of some sort. Anything more would surely break them into two Aatif."

"No! You just haven't seen me in action yet. I am sure just like dad, I will also become strong like him and become a warrior. Killing the bad guys and protecting all of us."

Hasana seemed like she wanted to say more, but she stopped herself.

As the two look out, they could spot some clouds in the distance. However, these are not just any clouds. These clouds are dark, with a tint of brown in the air. The scene appearing over the horizon exuded a sense of foreboding.

Aatif looks out curiously at the large clouds of dust being thrown into the air. Of course, Hasana could only look out and starts to silently grip the hem of her skirt.

Then, the two could hear a distant commotion from the village below, as people began leaving their houses. Aatif just stared blankly while Hasana grabs his hand and pulls him down the hillside.


She keeps walking, but responds despite the situation. "We are heading back down!"

Aatif, still staring blankly just turns back to look just beyond the slowly disappearing horizon to see the large clouds of dust.

Soon, the two reach their village and see many familiar faces pop up.


Her father, a burly man called out to her. He is waiting near the edge of the village, anticipating their return.

"Dad! The clouds! Did you see it!" She spoke in a hurried voice. Her father only patted her head.

"The village chief has already started to let everyone know. Come, they already started."

The three made a short trek to the center of the village, where everyone gathered. A sort of small panic already started to fill the air when the three enter the square.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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