Chapter 14: Breaking Assumptions

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Dianna was brought to an area with some shrubs which were near the defense line set up by US Airborne soldiers. Although they called it the defense line, the soldiers just hid behind makeshift barriers such as old barrels or bags of dirt. Dianna was not expecting such a flimsy defense barrier. 

Usually if they had to defend, they would have some horse pikes to stop cavalry or have wooden shields to protect against arrows. However, from the looks of it, she didn't see anything resembling conventional defense tactics. 

Furthermore, as she observed the soldiers in front of her, they were not in any uniform formation. Each soldier just found some sort of cover as protection. Some even were finding cover behind white cloth bags which she assumed to be filled with dirt. 

The men were just waiting for something to happen. Given how spread out their men were, she wanted to know how their command structure worked.

"Excuse me sir, but do you mind telling me how your command structure works? I am just surprised by how spread out your men are across your defense line."

"At first glance it may seem complicated, but our command structure is simply made up of smaller groups. Our smallest group is a team. A team is made up of four soldiers usually led by a sergeant."

A team is only four people? Dianna was confused. Just what could a team of four people even do? But looking at the men again, she can see now why the men were able to be somewhat spread apart. And it looks like they call their knights "soldiers" then? Although Dianna had questions, she held it back to listen to her assigned guards explanation.

"The next would be a squad, platoon, company, battalion, brigade or regiment, division, and a corps. There is a long line of command, but it becomes necessary for managing large fighting groups."

"How many of your soldiers are managed in a corps?"

"Roughly 20,000 to 40,000 men. Its quite big."

20,000 men!? That is bigger than most single standing armies in the kingdom! 

"Do you know perhaps how many of your soldiers are being deployed in the Astra Kingdom?"

"I know for sure that at least a brigade has been sent to help. A brigade is composed of a couple of battalions, so at most 3,200 soldiers. Our group in this village is just a company that is part of a larger battalion."

Normally I would have not been to worried to hear that they were only bringing 3,200 soldiers in the past. However the situation is different now. If this small group of only around a 100 men can defend against groups more than two times their size, then 3,200 soldiers is significant. 

"What are "Airborne" soldiers?"

"We have been specially trained to jump out of these things called airplanes. We are still technically part of the US Army."

As the soldier was finishing up his talk, his radio started to sound off. 

"Your highness, the western regions forces have begun their attack."

Princess Dianna immediately focused her eyes on the soldiers in front of her. As soon as he said that, the soldiers began to prepare for their attack. The western regions forces began with a conventional horse charge. There were nearly a hundred knights in metal and other men in leather straps. These men were partly made up of the western regions standing force and also partly made up of mercenary groups. 

The charging knights wielded large lances while also wielding swords strapped to their sides. 

This initial charge would strike fear into the enemy while also clearing the way for their infantry to break through. Their men on the ground could be seen already moving out while the horses charge on front. 

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