Chapter 8: Blue Leader

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It was a clear day with very low weather interference with the current mission. Me and a full squadron of F-35's and Hornets were heading towards the navy battle occurring north of the Astra Kingdom. For all of us, this will be our first time to engage an enemy fleet from such a far distance from our aircraft carrier strike group. 

Our mission is to eliminate the enemy and allow the fleet to return to Allure port where the diplomatic delegation is currently at. They said there are about 67 enemy ships near the fleet which are designated as targets. All we need to do is obliterate the enemy, then well be done with it.

As we continued our 15 minute flight, we spotted the fleet in the distance.

"Blue leader this is USS Nimitz, you should be closing in on the enemy fleet. Do take caution as the enemy fleet is currently engaged with our friendly fleet. Repeat, take caution. Other then that, you have permission to engage the enemy fleet."

"Copy that Nimitz, engaging the enemy fleet."

"Squadron, this is blue leader. Take caution of friendlies. Permission to engage has been confirmed. Lets begin our attack."

We emerged from our cruising altitude, and someone below noticed.

The battle was raging on for almost half an hour now.

"Your highness, please head back inside the ship! There are too many enemy ships around!"

"Its for that exact reason that I must stay outside. Heading inside won't change the situation."

Our fleet was in a dire circumstance right now. With the enemy sloops slowing down our vanguard ships, the fleet as a whole had to slow down to assist. This led to our current predicament where we are fighting for our lives right now. However, if we fail here, my kingdom will be in jeopardy. 

"But your highness... You look exhausted right now. You must have used up all of your available Mana already. Please... Your health and safety is of upmost importance."

There goes the admiral again. He can be a bit annoying considering his nagging, but I have to help deal with these pirates. Although he is right that I am sort of at my limit, I have to get another spell out before I pass out. Its the least I can do.

I gathered my energy to my hands and when I felt it was ready, I released the energy. It wasn't at its full form until it left my hands as it would burst everything around it into flames.

My spell formed a ball of fire that is brighter than everything around it. It moved at a fast speed towards one of the pirate ships in the distance.

As the ball hit the ship, the ship moved violently and caught fire. I could see the flames and smoke billowing from the ship clearly. However, as I was looking on, my body felt weak and I couldn't put any more strength into my legs. I would have fell onto the floor if it wasn't for the admiral right behind me. It seems like this is my limit. 

However, as the cries of battle continued around me, I heard something strange. Something more distinct and different than anything I have heard before. Its almost like a Wyvern's screeching, except it was more distant and constant, and was more of a low rumble than anything I have heard before.

I tried to look into the sky to see where that noise was coming from, however I could only see some small moving specks in the sky. However to my disbelief, they got close extremely fast, to the point that I was struck with disbelief as I continued to observe these specks.

In the next moment, I saw and heard a huge explosion behind us. One of the pirate ships just blew up out of nowhere. No, I saw something. It was only for a split second, but I swear I saw it fall from out of nowhere and land on that ship! I tried to find the black specks from before, but they were not there anymore. They were much closer! I could see it. The lifeless artifact flying through the air with such ease and movement. 

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