Chapter 39: One's Life and Trouble

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History can be both interesting and horrific when considering the alternative outcomes of different decisions. Sometimes, it's due to unexpected events which change the future direction of an entire country. Or the uncontrollable aspects of Human history such as floods, fires, or plagues which killed millions.

On this day, such an occurrence happened in the Quenlari Kingdom.


The evening after the King's council ended, the Prime minister takes a carriage back to his estate in the city. The once lively streets are now empty as night quickly start to consume the city. As there are no reliable lighting sources which line the streets, going out at night is a dangerous arena which only those who have impure intentions roam.

The only ones who even entertain the thought of going out near the time when night approaches are those who have carriages. This includes the Prime minister.

The Prime Minister's carriage continues down the cobble road of the city towards his estate, with only candle lanterns lighting the quickly encroaching night. With him is one guard and coachman.

As the carriage car wobbled from the brick laid road, the Prime Minister suddenly felt a sense of foreboding. The usual chatter of his guard and coachman rather unusually is quiet tonight. Although it isn't too uncommon, he thinks it odd that they became silent for this long.

As sweat starts to form, the Prime Minister wipes it with his hand, feeling time creeping up on him.

The Prime Minister ready's himself and knocks twice on the wall near where the coachman is sitting.


The Prime Minister at that moment sprints out of the carriage door.

Caught by surprise, the two men who sat in front started chasing him.

The Prime Minister is aided by what small light is left from the sun setting. He soon recognizes where he is and begins running quickly towards a safe haven.

As he kept running, the two behind him soon turned into three from the number of footsteps he could hear.

Each second of pursuit felt like an eternity to the Prime Minister as his adrenaline shot up even more. However, a sign of relief falls on his face as he quickly approaches his safe haven.

As the three pursuers realize where he is headed, they try to catch up quickly.


U.S. Consulate Building. Quenlari Kingdom Capital.

The consulate building is lit up as night quickly approaches. The small guard post is all that stands to guard and operate the gates to the embassy.

Tonight, two marines operate the post as night quickly approaches. The two finally thought that they could enjoy some free time, as not many go out at night. However, it makes it even more apparent when something goes wrong.

Soon, one of the guards sees a person running towards the embassy. Because of the suspicious nature of this person, the two ready their firearms just in case and send in a radio of the situation.

Soon, the guard recognizes the man as the Prime Minister. However, he also sees three pursuers following closely behind him.

The Prime Minister yells in broken English "Help!"

The Prime Minister reaches the consulate building just barely. One of the assailants shoots something attached to their arm and fires an arrow, barely missing the Prime Minister.

Because of the situation, one of the guards fires off some shots in retaliation.

Some of the shots hit their mark, and the three assailants run away as they are overpowered.

With the gate shut, and two more marines running out of the consulate building, the compound is locked down.

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