Chapter 33: Conflicts Abrewing

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United States of America. Washington D.C. The White House.

It's been nearly two weeks now since the conflict arose between the U.S and peninsular forces and the Tillerian forces from the Tolerian and Tasermain Kingdom. Luckily, the U.S has made great progress so far in the war. As of right now, U.S forces have progressed beyond the Tolerian and Tasermain border to conclude the aggression and war. However, it is expected that it will take another week or two before that can happen.

As news of this has spread to the main media outlets in the U.S, a more pressing issue has presented itself in front of the President of the United States.

Right now, the President is sitting in the oval office in his brown chair. He is currently going through a report which was provided earlier by the CIA and other relevant intelligence agencies who helped. This also included some help from the Kingdom of Astra's information brokers. This is because of the fact that the CIA does not have any personnel that can speak the local language within the Tillerian Empire. As long as they had the funds to do so, getting information was possible. However, even after all of the searching and efforts, the President must still make a difficult decision right now.

"So you're saying that there is a 70 percent chance that there are Americans within the Tolerian capital as of this moment?" The President speaks while staring at the director of the CIA in the eyes.

He clears his voice before speaking. "Considering how reliable the information was, these are the odds of American citizens being held in the Tolerian Capital. Other locations include the castles and manors belonging to the close advisers of the King. Of course, these reports and accounts from brokers are varying and not totally reliable. However, there is a consensus that there is a high probability that Americans are indeed in the Tolerian Kingdom. Discovered airplane wreckages and survivors from surrounding villages have confirmed that. Rather, the Americans who were taken away will be difficult to track down." The CIA director has clearly been having trouble sleeping from the bags under his eyes.

Next to the CIA director is the chairman of the chief of staff. A critical key person who is leading the military operations as of right now. "Mr. President, if there are Americans within the Tolerian Kingdom, we should send in Seal Team six to get them out as quickly as possible. From a military and political perspective, they may use them as hostages if we are not careful."

The President nods in agreement. However, he has some doubts. "There are certainly risks with this operation, no?"

The chairman nods in agreement. "Yes, certainly. If we were to send Seal Team Six out, they would be miles behind enemy lines. With no support, they would certainly face problems if they cannot get out of there immediately. Furthermore, with our navy and air force encountering a Wyvern detachment to engage southern forces in the Kingdom of Flenning, they might have air defense systems. Or at least, ways of countering our black hawk helicopters. And with magic, it adds more uncertainty to the operation. Waiting for the marines to advance would still take days at the earliest. The choice is up to you Mr. President."

The President leans back into his chair as he comes to his decision. He could very well save American lives. However, he could very well get everyone killed in this situation if something goes wrong. Whether its a success or failure, his Presidency could rise or fall in public approval. He makes his decision and relays it to the Chairman. "Get Seal Team Six ready to get our citizens home."

Yes, Mr. President.

SEAL Team Six, or the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, or DEVGRU, was originally created in light of the Iran hostage crisis in 1979. This special group is tasked with missions which includes counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, special reconnaissance, and short-duration strikes against high-value targets. Now, SEAL Team Six has been assigned a new task.

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