Chapter 27: Flovenguard

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Many would note how the U.S. has taken part in oversea's conflict for most of its history. Despite the country's natural geography making it a nightmare to invade, the country spends more on its military than any other country back on Earth. Having the largest airforce with ironically having the U.S. navy having the second largest airforce, the U.S. spends billions developing weapons, warships, and military aircraft. Given its geographic disposition and its military superiority, U.S. back on Earth was the only nation that had the luxury to care about any conflict occurring around the world. Ironically, it's the U.S.'s favorable position in the world and geography back on Earth which makes crafting foreign policy difficult. If there is no one point of concern, its hard to focus foreign policy initiatives. This is true for the American people as well. Although its hard to tell if its difficulty or pure ignorance.

An American president can start a war with almost catastrophic failure without direct consequences on the American homeland. No other country back on Earth had such a convenient and disturbing foreign policy ability. Even in a peaceful world, fueling the military industrial complex was a political necessity. How will this shape the U.S. in a world where wars and conflict are the new normal rather than an uncommon occurrence?


Near the border between the subservient Tolerian Kingdom under the Tillerian Empire and the Flenning Kingdom, skirmishes are ensuing and Flenning forts have fallen to Tolerian forces which are marching past the border. As they continue their unimpeded advance further inland of the Flenning Peninsula, a vast number of refugees from towns and villages closer to the border are traveling to the innermost parts of the peninsula to escape the flames and savagery of war. This is further intensified by the Tolerian people's belief in changing the Flenning people's ways of worshipping their pagan god of Mana.

A notable place of worship for many of those in the Kingdom of Flenning is in the prominent town of Flovenguard near the border. It is that town where Tolerian mercenaries and soldiers entered the town which led to the killing and raping of thousands of people, worshipers and many innocent people. Some were not even followers of their god of Mana, however the Tolerian soldiers and mercenaries killed, tortured, and raped the town of Flovenguard without hesitation. Refugees are pouring out from the region near the original place of worship. Where hundreds are fleeing from the violence towards the capital city eastward towards the ocean. However, hundreds more will continue to become victims of the violence and conflict.


On a U.S. airforce base in Guam, men and trucks were moving about as deployment towards the peninsula is occurring. A large concentration of U.S. military personnel is now converging on the small island of Guam, preparing to head north towards the three peninsulas currently under attack by subservient Kingdom's under the Tillerian Empire. In a particular area in the airbase, generals were currently discussing the logistics of the wartime operations.

"Once we set up operations in each of the capitals, we must immediately send out marines to the frontline to secure critical positions. The enemy forces have already begun moving past the borders and into their Kingdom's inner lands. We received reports from our intelligence stating that citizens are already being killed in this conflict with thousands becoming victims or refugees." The four-star general Lesly is in charge of this operation, a scale which he has not seen since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"General, we are also reporting enemy naval movement advancing eastward closer to the northern tip of the Island of Astra. It seems they intend to cut off supplies and land routes in the peninsula's. While sending off our airforce near the peninsula, we should also reinforce their waters at the same time."

"Right, I want four strike group carriers taking part in this effort. I will send three strike groups north of each peninsula while the fourth will overlook the channel between the Flenning Kingdom and the northern tip of the Astra Kingdom."

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