Chapter 30: A Search Effort Begins

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Plane crashes are relatively rare back on earth. Although more likely to occur than dying to a terrorist attack, its still safer than driving a car everyday. However, the disappearance and unaccounted for flights since the initial transfer has become the largest disaster in modern aviation history. Hundreds of flights with thousands of people still remain missing according to the Federal Aviation Administration's lists. The only reason why most of them have not been found is because of the problem at hand. The amount of work required to just track one plane is already a difficult task, but finding and confirming the locations of hundreds of planes could take months, if not years. Especially, if said plane disappeared above an ocean. The possibility of finding the plane and surviving passengers is very low if such a scenario is true, given the nature of oceans. Now, with the U.S Federal government and military having more time and resources than the initial transfer, a search and inquiry can happen.


Washington D.C. The White House.

The President remains in his chair, looking through a number of documents he must read on a daily basis. Its been roughly two months since the initial transfer, however it has felt like an eternity for the current sitting President. Just as he was thinking of the energy program, he had to receive his briefing. The main topic is the hundreds of planes that are still unaccounted for since the initial transfer to the new world. Simply put, there were other priorities since the initial transfer, but now that things have calmed down, other intelligence departments have been able to dedicate more manpower to the search through Landsat and other methods. Today, the President was going to be briefed on the initial search so far.

Given the still unsolved mystery of how the U.S got into this situation, the search has become difficult. Because if one were to assume that their previous world still exists, the missing planes could still be on Earth. However, its very difficult to know that since crashed planes are difficult to locate in the first place. There is also the problem of the planes which took off on that fateful night where the U.S was transferred to the new world. An exact time has not been found on when it occurred, but the administration has narrowed it down to around 3:00 AM in the morning Eastern Standard Time. Although it would be 6:00 PM in Guam a day ahead, 9:00 PM in Hawaii, and 11:00 PM in California. Given the time differences, flights from areas further west of the east coast has shouldered the brunt of the missing planes on the FAA list. Although that is not to exclude the many that are still missing from all international airports in the U.S.

Many planes that could have returned were not contacted due to the slow uptake and the fact that FAA would only ground already existing planes. Any outgoing flights would proceed towards their destination. However, its unknown if outgoing flights from a couple hours before the transfer led to them staying on earth, or came with the U.S. Today, the President will find out the extent of the search and confirming if outgoing planes came with the U.S to the New World.

The President was greeted by different heads from the FAA, CIA, and other affiliate programs that helped with the search. They gave a report to the President which confirmed his fears. "All supposed incoming planes arrived hours after the transfer."

The President sighed. "Your saying that all of our outgoing flights also ended up in this world as well?"

The FAA agency head nodded his head. "Its very likely that all outgoing flights to Europe, Asia, and South America also were brought along. This means that there are potentially hundreds of planes that departed the U.S towards the new world. Although, this is with the assumption that all outgoing flights have indeed been transported to this world with us. Its quite possible that its not entirely true. However, given this scenario, the lack of any international support or any airstrips resembling airports, all of these planes most likely have crashed somewhere. Given this urgency, we have put together a map of all search areas for the missing outgoing flights from the U.S around the New World. This is based on previous flight paths, airports, and predicted changes in routes. One search area we have focused our efforts is centered right here." He points to an area around the Flenning Kingdom. Two big red circles declaring the search area has been set to search for the missing outgoing planes that were heading towards Narita or Haneda Airport near the Tokyo metropolitan area. The area was determined by the previous locations of the two airports back on Earth. However, its location is not ideal for the President.

"Your saying that American survivors could be anywhere in this circle?" The president continued to examine the search area, which currently lies in a war zone

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"Your saying that American survivors could be anywhere in this circle?" The president continued to examine the search area, which currently lies in a war zone.

"Yes, with the projected amount of fuel, the plane could have ended up within this rough 250 mile radius around Narita and Haneda airport. In other words, they either ended up in Flenning or Tolerian territory. Another possibility is that the plane landed in the nearby sea. Although, this is not considering other possibilities such as wind, speed, and time in the air the plane could fly simply through gliding. If thats the case, the search radius must be extended by another 50 to 100 miles." The head of the FAA administration looked quite tired. Its reasonable since he has much more work ahead for him.

"Then there is a chance that hundreds of Americans could be inside the Tolerian Kingdom then?" The President continued his inquiry.

"Its quite possible. However, we still have not found any wreckage so far. The vast amount of territory to cover is making this difficult. We are thinking of collaborating with the military to get a better sweep of the search radius."

The president responds. "And this is just one search area around Japan correct?"

"Yes, we are still working on the other search areas of right now. However, given the ongoing conflict, this one was deemed to be the most important."

"Good work. I will reach out to the speaker of the house to get a budget approval for this search. Contact and work with the chairman get this all sorted out."

"Yes Mr. President."

Soon, one by one, the heads of each department left the Oval office, only leaving the President himself, still sitting in his chair. He silently contemplated to himself whether this would be his last term or not. 

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