Chapter 10: The Nobles are Coming

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The white house was busy as ever as its been over a week since the initial world transfer. However, despite such a period, there was still mass frustration and work that had to be dealt with. As the secretary of state was making his way towards the oval office, he could hear staff and aids working.

"What do you mean he was in France at the time!? Start recruiting more staff then!"

"Sorry, could you be more specific when you said weird bears were sighted north? Were they red or blue?"

There was chatter everywhere and staffers walking around. It was the most chaotic John had seen the white house, even after the initial election. New committees had to be formed and staff had to be hired to cope with the world transfer and its new load of problems. However, now was not the time to be thinking about that John thought.

The president would not normally call me over unless it had high importance. Of course, right now everything was of high importance John thought. However, he could not get over the fact that he had absolutely no time to do anything. "I just got back from Guam for crying out loud." John thought remorsefully.

John entered the oval office and was greeted by numerous heads of departments and the chairman of the chief of staff. It felt like a repeat of the initial day of the world transfer.

The president spoke "Okay people! Its been nearly a week since the initial world transfer and we are already struggling. If we cannot even do this for a week, I can assure you we are going to have a nasty wake up call a month from now. However, I did not call all of you here for a lecture, there are some important reports that need to be made."

Since a certain level of security clearance is needed for some types of information, throwing this type of information outside of the White House is risky, especially considering the state of the country right now.

"Secretary of energy, I believe you have a groundbreaking report after getting information from the diplomatic delegation sent to the Kingdom of Astra?"

"Yes Mr. President, according to the information gained, we can tell that this world has something fundamentally different from our other world. That is, it contains magic apparently."

"Apparently? You mean to say the same type of magic like from fantasy?"

"Yes, as the name suggests, it is really fascinating and can do a wide range of things such as seemingly allowing fire or water to appear out of thin air!"

The room started to become unsettled. Magic is real now? What are their uses? Can they be used as weapons? How will this affect everyday life? Everyone in the room started to talk amongst one another as they discussed the ramifications of magic appearing.

"Secretary of Energy, can magic be used by anyone?"

"From what we can tell, Magic can only be used by possessing Mana vessels which can allow a user to collect Mana. These vessels are apparently really expensive and thus the number of magic users is limited."

Everyone in the room gave a sigh of relief. If Magic were easy to use, chaos and anarchy would ensue in the U.S for sure. If there is a requirement such as that, then the government can heavily regulate their uses.

"Looks like for now, there won't be problems regarding their use in the U.S then. But secretary, this obviously cannot be your full report."

The secretary of energy smiled. He looked quite excited. Something very uncommon to see in government officials.

"Mr. President, I don't know if anyone in this room has realized it, but the appearance of magic itself has broken some laws of physics. In the realm of harnessing energy, this has large ramifications for wielding and using energy. Normally, fire cannot just appear out of nowhere, its simply impossible, but now magic makes the impossible possible! There could be hundreds of ways to harness energy if we could explore the uses of Magic power!"

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