Prologue: We Ain't on Earth Anymore

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A news channel is playing on the tv, revealing two anchors who were giving the day's news.

"Breaking news for our listeners tuning in, there are local reports of unrest around the nation as communication outside the country virtually stopped. It is believed that communications ceased as of 3:30 am this morning. Confusion panic no doubt cover the nation as many believe it to be an attack by China or Russia. However, the White House has confirmed that the US is not in immediate danger as of right now. Chuck, what do you make of this?" The first Anchor said as he turned his chair to look at his Co-Anchor.

"The information is just coming out, so we are still confirming the situation. However, it is unlikely to be an artificial jamming device since cutting communication to the outside world is nigh impossible isn't it? Plus, we still can reach people in Hawaii and Alaska, so it seems odd that communication with other countries is suddenly cut off like this." The Co-anchor replied back while pointing at the graphic shown on the Display behind them.

"Have we been able to contact other territories?" The Anchor asked, while still facing Chuck.

"Yes, the US can still contact other territories right now. They are also attempting to contact other nations at the moment."

"Do we have any information regarding the situation of any other country at the moment?"

"No. The Virgin islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa have yet to contact another country. This has raised some concern within local governments." His Co-anchor Chuck replied to all of his questions.

"Now, let's tune in with our editor stationed in Washington, Anthony" The Anchor said, with the channel now showing a Journalist who was standing outside the Capitol Building.

"Thank you John. Many stores like Costco and Walmart around the US are selling out in food, toilet paper, and water due to hoarding. In addition, gun sales have soared over the past couple of hours since the news broke." The Journalist said.

"Yes, this has led to marshal law being enacted in some parts of the U.S. The National guard is being sent out to quell unrest in some major cities within the U.S. And now I am receiving a report that the president will make a statement on the white house lawn." The anchor said before the camera switches to the White House Lawn with the President standing behind a podium.

"My fellow Americans, it has and always will be my duty to protect this great nation. As you may have heard, as of this morning, contact with other countries has ceased to exist. Ships from other nations have ceased to arrive, and flights coming from other countries have ceased to land. Even as we speak, extensive investigations are being conducted to determine the situation at hand. And, from what my cabinet has told me, unnatural forces have put the US into an uncertain predicament. Although it is too early to say the cause behind this predicament, I can say with certainty that the US now finds itself in an unknown world. Our neighbors, Canada and Mexico have disappeared from the southern and northern borders. What appears in their place is an ocean to our southern border, and uninhabited lands to the north. We are doing everything within our capabilities to ensure the safety of this great nation, and the stability of this great nation. And so I ask this great nation to stay steadfast, for our nation is more united now than before."

The camera then switches back to the studio.

"This is unbelievable. To think the president is making such a statement. However, if the president stated it with such certainty, it cannot be false."

"That is right. In addition, the White House has sent out a more detailed report of the circumstances. They are meeting with major business leaders in the country."

"Yes, the price of oil has increased tenfold and the price of gold has increased."

"Although we find ourselves in an unpredictable situation, we will provide news coverage all day and night. The Dow Jones is down 2100 points with the S&P falling 700 points. Stay tuned until after the break."

The man turns off his television set. It is 7:00 am in Washington D.C. "Looks like we're in for one hell of a ride." The man gets up from his chair and gets ready to leave for work. 



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