Chapter 2: The Astra Kingdom

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I reluctantly wake up out of habit before a maid can rush in and thrash me awake. Today is going to be a monumental occasion where we host a feast with the upper nobles as the ten-year fight has finished. Not so much a war fought with men and arms, but with people and food.

I call in one of my maids to get me dressed for breakfast with father and mother. I sit there while they prepare everything from my hair to dress. 

As soon as everything was finally finished, I was wearing a light blue dress, which suited my blonde hair splendidly. My orange eyes also looked back at me. 

After finishing, I started walking towards the dining room where mother and father were most likely waiting for me.

I walk through the hallways and enter the dining room. Servants were all around the room preparing for the meal. For once, everyone seemed uplifted somehow. As if something which has bothered them for years has finally ended.

Although even for me, I could feel a weight falling off my shoulders.

I saw mother and father at the end of the table, waiting for my arrival.

"Dianna, we have been waiting for you."

"Sorry mother, it is just that today feels so different. Did something happen?"

I sat down across from my mother, with my father to my left, at the head of the table.

"Today will be the day we receive the message about the tribute shipment. Once it is delivered, we can finally reassure our weary citizens that all those years of hardship are over."

"Where is brother?"

"He is in his studies. He should arrive soon."

The door opened, and my brother appeared.

"Sorry I am late. I was finishing up an interesting book on philosophy."

"It is alright Damion, we know you love to read the literature. Although I worry about your marriage. You still yet to have kids Damion."


My father really has no tact now.

However, at that moment, the head minister ran into the dining hall.

"Your highness, sorry to interrupt your family time, but an urgent message has come!"

"What is it?"

"Here your majesty."

The prime minister ran up to the king and handed him a small piece of paper. As soon as my father read the message, his brows furrowed.

"Are you sure this is accurate?"

"Yes, your highness, we got it from our dedicated messenger eagle with the royal seal. We just got it from the guard post a few days out by horse."

My father continued to look at the small piece of paper. Despite it not having much to say, it's easy to tell that he is too shocked to believe it.

"Sorry, I will have to excuse myself from the table. An urgent matter has sprung up."

"Yes, dear husband, or should I say your majesty?"

My father only nodded back and quickly rushed out of the dining room along with the minister. Being curious about what was going on, I ran up next to the door and listened closely. My mother and brother only sighed in disbelief.

I could hear my father and the minister talking.

"Minister, get the emergency council together. Draft up proposals from parliament. I want every option on the table soon. We must come up with a solution within the month."

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