Chapter 40: A Trilateral Agreement

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The King's council chambers are in a ruckus after an attempt was made last night on the Prime minister. However, the King still must carry out his duties as not even a day can be spared when dealing with this national crisis.

Of course, there are still problems with who the pursuers were, and the fact that U.S. marines went into conflict with unknown assailants.

The hall is filled with the murmur and whispers of various council members and advisors. The whispers would have continued if not for the announced arrival of the King by the guard outside the room.

The King enters with his entourage and sits down on his throne. He beckons everyone to settle down. And soon after, the room becomes quiet as the two sides of the debate settle down.

Because of the attempt on the Prime ministers life last night, he had to hire more guards. However, despite the risk to his life, he still came to the council meeting. Nazaam and his colleagues hoped he would come because of the incident, but it seems they were too hopeful. The Prime minister is known for being quite stubborn after all.

The King, ignoring the mood of the room, continues from yesterday's decision regarding the involvement of the U.S and Dominion council in the war against the monsters.

"I have decided what we shall do regarding the two nations."

Somehow, even though the room was silent before, it became even quieter and tense. Everyone waited with baited breath on the King's decision.

"We shall work out an agreement between all three of our countries to eliminate the threat against humanity and our country. GIven the situation, it is not impossible to work out something right?"

After the King said that, murmurs and whispers filled the room again. Of course, some had objections.

"Your majesty! Would we not have to give up more concessions when surely we could work with just one. Furthermore, would this not be a problem when having two militaries operating in our country?"

As soon as the council member stated that, the King responded.

"Last night, I thought deeply about what both Nazaam and the Prime minister have said. However, it does not seem like there are many concessions to be made correct?"

He looks at the Prime minister.

"Your majesty, the U.S. simply wants to extend a bilateral trade agreement with us along with military cooperation. In no way is there any monetary compensation necessary."

The King continues to speak.

"So with that, we can begin working with the Dominion council. There shouldn't be any problems right Nazaam?"

He politely bows a bit. "No, your majesty."

"Good, set a date for the three way negotiations immediately."

And so, the offense begins.

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