Chapter 24: Immigration

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It is early morning in Washington D.C now. People were flowing into the White House for work as per usual. John Stuart, Secretary of State was meeting with the President while also meeting with the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff. The two sat on two separate couches opposite of each other in the Oval office while the president sat at his desk.

"So, it ended like that then?" He let out a soft sigh with a hint of relief. However, he knew that the situation at hand is not over.

"Yes Mr. President, the carrier strike group was able to safely pull out from the Tillerian port. We lost no men in the altercations."

"That is very good to hear. However, what are the casualties on the Tillerian side?"

"We know that around 20 or so men were shot at the harbor after forcefully attempting to board our destroyer. In addition to those deaths at the harbor, we estimate that a couple hundred sailors on the Tillerian side were killed or injured. Some ten galleons came out to meet us in naval combat Mr. President."

"It is still unbelievable that countries in this world still use such antiquated technology."

"It is a very good thing Mr. President, at least militarily wise."

"You have a fine point there." The President slumped back on his chair while looking up towards the ceiling.

"Will all of our encounters be like this I wonder?" He said out loud.

"Mr. President, I have a proposal to how we should respond. Although it would require your approval." John was the head of state, effectively controlling all foreign policy matters. However, the president has the last say in things.

"I recommend we do nothing Mr. President"


"Yes. Getting into an altercation with a country the size of the Tillerian empire will only spell disaster for us. Just think about after the war. Loss of stability and leadership could lead to region instability for years if we do not handle this properly. Furthermore, getting involved in the complex politics in the country will be quite bewildering for us. Especially since they are operating on a feudal system. We have to remember that we are dealing with a territory the size of China."

"Surely we must do something. Chairperson, is there no measured response in this scenario?"

"We believe that the measured response was sinking ten galleons and effectively blocking their main port. Any more will just be unnecessary without fully knowing what the other side intends to do. There are too many unknowns now Mr. President. We could attack they're military instillations, however there is unsettling intelligence that me and John were briefed in recently."

"That is true."

The President was briefed before hand on unsettling civil conflict arising after the US fleet left the Tillerian empire. It seems that the Tillerian empire experiencing instability in the region. The recent US naval battle only hastened the instability. Prominent kings and dukes were becoming powerful in the Tillerian empire, threatening the balance of power in relation to the Imperial family.

"If we conduct any military action, it could actually make the region much more dangerous according to our intelligence right now. Furthermore, the Tillerian empire has swallowed many independent kings in past times. We could only complicate the situation if we launch attacks without full context."

"So the Tillerian empire is like the US in the sense that they have different states, its just that each state is ruled by a king and further managed by lower ranks correct?"

"Yes, but unlike the US, civil war is much more likely to break out if instability is brought about. For now, I recommend just observing the situation. They're ships are antiquated and old, so it will be easy to spot a potential invasion."

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