Chapter 1: A Tribute Lost at Sea

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It is a clear day where I could not see even one cloud. I could see the Tillerian coastline to my right. The lush green forests and the intruding mountains from the distance hold an indescribable beauty to it. The land that laid before my eyes is beautiful.

But it's finally time. To finish the last tribute to the Tillerian Empire. The last time our kingdom had to bow down to this tyranny. Finally, once this is all over, I can have peace of mind. As I was watching the Tillerian landscape pass by us, the sound of running footsteps got closer. My helper boy came up the stairs and told me something.

"Captain, pirates spotted from behind us!"

"What, pirates? Are you sure about that? These parts shouldn't have many of those. Give me that eyeglass."

I took the eyeglass and looked in the direction the boy told me. What I saw was eight ships total. Four were Galleons, the other four were smaller sloops. Although there are many, it's still possible to outrun them if we raise the sails.

"Captain, your orders!"

"Calm your wits, boy, get everyone ready to raise the sails."

My men raised the sails, and the ships in the distance disappeared into the horizon.

"See boy, nothing to worry about. We just need to continue another four days and we'll be at the main home port of the Tillerian empire. Once we're there, we can party and drink all we want."

"Captain, I don't believe we have the funds for that though."

"Don't worry, I meant back at Astra."

I keep forgetting that we are almost dirt poor since food prices increased again in the Kingdom. Hopefully after this, prices will slowly go down again. I want to return to those times.

I sent the boy away again and looked at the scenery. Such a long journey would burden me if the scenery wasn't here to comfort me. I could hear the distant cries of birds from the lush green forest.

However, as I basked in the scenery, I heard the sounds of footsteps again. I saw my helper boy again.

"What is it now, boy?"

"Captain, there are ten ships to our front."

"Don't tell me..."

"They don't have any colors."

"Hand me the eyeglass boy."

I took the eyeglass once again and saw a vast fleet of ten ships comprising five Galleons, and five sloops. I would reckon that there are at least 1000 sailors from that fleet. Our measly fleet only has 500.

But, if they are to our front, we could turn around. But there was also a pirate fleet behind us. Wait, are they still there?

I looked behind us and saw the same pirate fleet coming out from the horizon.

They caught up.

We might have been able to outrun them before, but if we engage, then we will surely lose. However, it might still be possible to out maneuver them.

"Captain, watch out!"


A huge fireball consumed the deck. I looked up and saw wyverns up above. If this is the case, then we cannot escape anymore. Our mast is irreparable. I looked and saw the flames consume the 2nd mast of my ship. There is no way to escape the pirates.

"Prepare for combat boys, our country has fought and suffered to provide this tribute. We can't have some random pirates appearing out of nowhere and taking our kingdom's hard earned grain. We must protect it at all costs."

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