Chapter 37: The American's and Their Artifacts

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Ranath, the female Dominion representative, came back to Karthreth and Bregs who were waiting in a shaded spot just off one of the main roads in the capital. Breg has a similar build to Karthreth, but has a large scar across his face. He has shoulder length hair, while Karthreth's has a shorter one that doesn't reach the neck.

As she approaches, both of them notice her and begin to ask her about what she found out so far. She begins to relay what she found.

"It's just as Nazaam stated, the U.S. really did appear very recently out of nowhere. And they really did beat back some of the major provinces from the Tillerian Empire with methods not seen before. However, the intelligence regarding the U.S. military is shaky at best, and wholly unreliable at worst. But, there is one common word or phrase that is mentioned. And that's "Artifact."

Karthreth puts his hand on his chin to contemplate. "Artifact? The thing which describes unknown contraptions and designs of the gods?"

While there are many different terminologies across different countries, the word "artifacts" is synonymously used to describe the unknown, almost divine devices which seem to defy the common understanding in this world. No one knows where they come from, nor how they work or their purpose.

Karthreth continues. "Can you tell us anything about the artifacts the U.S. military used?"

"Some point to strange land contraptions which moved like it was alive, but wasn't a creature. Some have described almost divine retribution from the skies which delivered fast punishment. In fact, I received information concerning the location of one of these artifacts."

"Really, how far?" Bregs stated bluntly.

"Right here, in the Quenlari port in the capital. Remember the U.S. has a consulate building here. Apparently, they have these metal ships which occasionally ships supplies to the U.S. consulate building."

Both Karthreth and Bregs became confused.

"Why would the U.S. need a supply ship for their one consulate building?" Both of them thought. Then, they both realized the same thing that Ranath realized when they heard that piece of information.

Ranath continued. "We might be able to figure out more from observing the U.S. consulate building and ship than all the brokers combined. I hear American military soldiers are stationed at their consulate building."

"To protect what? It's just representatives from their country right?" Bregs again stated bluntly.

Karthreth responded in thought. "Unless the people in that building are high ranking officials or they have something else to guard in that building. Of course, we can only guess at this point. They seem to be different in many aspects from what I can tell."

"You are correct with that sentiment" Ranath continued to point out other odd things, such as attire, language, and having a seemingly encroaching hold on the region without any intention of attacking."

Ranath suggested to Karthreth that maybe they should conduct more information gathering, however, he had a better idea in mind.

Karthreth begins to lay out his plans bluntly. "Let's just go and see the weird ship and their consulate building ourselves. It's not like there are any restrictions. From what I can tell, they don't seem to be keeping this a secret if they are just showing it off."

Ranath, being the more cautious, is hesitant. Bregs is all for it though with a nod. "I also want to see their ships and weapons." Ranath could only agree with them as they head towards the closest location which is the docks of the Quenlari capital.


The three Dominion representatives arrive at the busy docks where they are greeted by many ships busy unloading their goods. The most eye-catching of all of them is a metal ship which is currently moored against the sturdiest area in the port. All of the ships in the port are made of wood, so the metallic look of the ship stood out like a sore thumb in the dock.

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