Chapter 35: Using as Intended

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Diplomacy is a fierce arena which can help a country maintain peace, or bring ruin and misfortune if neglected. A country is only so powerful as the amount of power it has at the negotiations. Of course, there are different types of powers. Hard power, is the most obvious. For a country to exist, it has to survive and maintain its holdings on land and resources. Military might is important for ensuring that its land and people are not pillaged by others. This has been especially true since the concept of nations has formed. However, relying only on hard power will not yield security or even the full potential of a nation. Another relevant power to consider is soft power.


The Quenlari delegation arrived at the U.S. consulate building only a short while ago. The Quenlari delegation pulled up to an almost military base like consulate building. With U.S. soldiers guarding the entrance to the consulate, the compound seems to exude security and safety from within. With the Quenlari delegation of carriages and horses pulling up, the mis match of modern aesthetics contrasts harshly with its surroundings. And while their delegation is large in numbers, only a couple of their group split off to meet with the U.S. ambassador to the country. Said ambassador looked aged and experienced, with his entourage of staff and translators following near him. Soon, both U.S. and Quenlari officials meet in a white meeting room in which one large wooden table sat in and multiple chairs on either side. Of course, both sides know why they are here. Now begins the negotiations.

The U.S. ambassador begins with the usual greetings to the prime minister. However, as the conversation began to wane, the Quenlari prime minister brings up the reason for his visit.

"Mr ambassador, we are here to propose an agreement with the U.S. government for a mutual military cooperation perhaps."

The U.S. ambassador smiles softly. However, his demeanor suggests that the Quenlari prime minister wants something more than just military cooperation. After all, his whole mission to this country is to make Quenlari an essential regional ally to the U.S. And so far, he has been rather unsuccessful in his mission. This is mostly due in part to the fact that the Quenlari kingdom is already a steadfast partner with the Onleng empire. Seeking out another power with military strength wasn't really necessary, at least until now. Now the U.S. ambassador must figure out just what changed for the kingdom to come to the U.S. consulate building today."Prime minister, on behalf of my country we are delighted that you have considered my country's military cooperation agreement. I am sure in a couple of weeks, we can get this agreement hashed out and all set."

The ambassador observed the Quenlari's prime minister. He could tell he is a seasoned negotiator, as not a single facial expression indicates anything new aside from a single bead of sweat running down his face. Of course, the prime minister takes his handkerchief out and wipes off some of his sweat. However, the ambassador found it odd that a rather dismayed expression is soon spread across the Quenlari's prime minister. The prime minister continues.

"Is there a reason why it will take a couple of weeks ambassador? Surely we could get it finalized within the week."

The U.S. ambassador scratched his head. An obvious gesture to stall for time. 

"My country hopes that by forming this military cooperation agreement, some reforms and changes could be made within your country. Military cooperation is of course not free after all."

The Prime Minister's expression visibly changed.

"Is it money then? Or is it perhaps resources you are after." 

The U.S. ambassador gestures.

"We only hope to suggest changes. Money or resources is not something we are after. Rather, we hope to form closer relations with your country. Both economically and militarily. There are many businesses which would like to extend their trade here after all"

The Quenlari prime minister is taken a back a bit as he has to process the U.S. demands seriously. Although veiled in nice words, what the U.S. is asking is similar to the reforming of conquered nations. Something entirely unheard of. Typically, resources or coin is given as compensation for military aid or for oppressors. However, none have really used their hard military power as a bargaining chip to change the policies and rules of a country. Such foreign policy approach is unheard of, as those with a large and powerful military typically just take over a country they want. So the U.S. proposal is odd at best for the prime minister. And although the prime minister would like to think he could hash out an agreement like this quickly, he certainly surmises that the U.S. ambassador is correct in seeing that this could take weeks. He thinks to what he should do at this point.

The prime minister continues his effort to get military aid from the U.S. He struggles as he cannot explicitly state his reasoning, as it would upset the king deeply. He knows just how prideful the King is, and bowing down to the Americans for help is not exactly desirable. However, the prime minister takes out his handkerchief again, with something accidentally falling out of his pocket.

A loud metal clunk rung through the conference room. The prime minister apologizes before grabbing the thing that just fell out of his breast jacket pocket. However, an open golden locket is open right in front of him.

It's holds a picture, a very expensive one done by a Mana user a couple years back. He looks at the locket for what felt like an eternity. His wife, two daughters and son were in the photo. He has not heard from them for months, as communicating long distances is still quite difficult and expensive in the Quenlari Kingdom. However, he trembled as a bead of sweat fell onto the locket, distorting the faces of those he loved.

The prime minister knew better than anyone in the Kingdom just how dire the situation really is down south near the borders of the wastelands. It is only a matter of time before his province and lands are ravaged by beasts.

The prime minister for the first time raises his head high and confidently. He looks to his followers and beckons them to get out.

With a flustered look, they all left the room. Now, only people from the U.S side are present.

"Mr ambassador, lets talk."

***In a continent off the southwestern point off the continent near the Quenlari Kingdom, discussions began in a very important meeting hall.

"Chairman! We must find funds to repair our nation. We cannot simply stay within our borders any longer. We must expand oversees!"

His contingent of supporters murmur in agreement.

"Nonsense! Our past generations have survived in these lands, and we can do it again. We must abide by the teachings of our ancestors!"

Murmurs and shouting occurred as the debate ensued on what to do with the ravaged nation. Then, one man stood up.

"I believe we must contact the outside world"

Everyone turns and small murmurs continued as everyone recognized the man who stood up. He was known as the bloody general who led the coalition against enemy forces in what will be known as one of the bloodiest civil war in their country's history.

The head chairman of the council spoke to the general.

"What makes you believe we should go out?"

He calmly smiles. "My friends tell me of a massive opportunity. One which could permanently revitalize our country."

He walks to a giant map on one of the walls of the hall. He pointed to one area northeast of the maps edge.

"We shall move to the Quenlari Kingdom."

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