Chapter 38: The Kings Council

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The White House.

President Lanning just finished his intelligence briefing from NASA and they leave with a bit of sweat on their foreheads.

Head of State John Stuart enters right after them. The President greets him after drinking a glass of water from his desk.

"John, so I hear negotiations have started with the Quenlari Kingdom." Despite being in the President's seat, he never shows signs of weakness or fatigue. Always bringing energy into the room.

John responds. "The negotiations are still in the early stages. But with potential trade and other services that we can offer, I think the Kingdom will heavily consider our offer. Especially since their nation is in a precarious condition."

"Good, good. Just let me know when you head down. Now, the real talk. Do you have any proposals and plans for contact with the western hemisphere?"

"Yes, after consulting our intelligence, we should be able to establish relations with many countries in the area. However, the area is far from ideal in terms of being devoid of conflict. There are many microstates and areas which are under conflict. It will be very difficult to determine where we should establish diplomatic ties."

"And that's why we are here today right? I'll call in the other cabinet members, so just wait right there."

And so, the planning stage commences.


The Quenlari Kingdom continues to face an ever present threat of vicious monsters and beasts coming from the south and raiders coming from the west. Now, with a session with the King's advisor's, cabinet, and others, a decision needs to be made deciding who to call upon for military assistance.

"Your Majesty! We believe the American's will help us the most in our time of need. We have already signed agreements with them stating a future of trade and assistance with the rebuilding of our country. Furthermore, they can move within the week to begin eradicating those menaces to the south."

The Prime minister concludes his speech and pleads to the King. Now Nazaam steps forward.

"Your majesty. The Dominion council has only asked for access to our waterways for trade, and they can help us deal with the mess down South. They have already dealt with these monsters before, and they can deal with this situation again. There could not be an easier and straight forward deal than this your Majesty."

The Prime minister and his colleagues are bitter that Nazaam has been able to meet with Dominion representatives so quickly. To begin with, the trip from the Dominion territory takes around a week by boat. Even when considering the water ways the Quenlari Kingdom's land possesses, it is hard to believe that contact with them was done in such a short amount of time.

Due to this belief, the prime minister didn't worry too much about the slim possibility that they would be able to meet with them in such a short amount of time.

The King continues his inquiry.

"Prime minister, although trade is something I perceive to be good for my domain, just what are we gaining from a partnership with the U.S.? I am apprehensive of a concrete alliance like this if we cannot ensure future cooperation with this country. Furthermore, we would be drawing the ire of the Onleng empire. If we seek assistance from the Dominion Council, we can still mend relations with the Onleng Empire while also staving off the monster invasion south."

The prime minister quickly responds.

"Your majesty, we have already signed the papers and docu-"

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