Chapter 32: Information Broker

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The Tolerian Capital.

The Tolerian Capital is the same as ever before. People are still frequently leaving and entering the Kingdom's capital. Whether they be merchants, peasants selling their wares, or noblemen; it's clear that the capital draws many people from all over the Kingdom. However, none of these people are truly the most important. Yes, even the nobles themselves would not exist if it were not for these people. The people of most importance are the information brokers that have networks that stretches far and wide, even moving outside the human realm to some extent.

Although no singular network reaches all parts of the human realm; for every significant region, village, or town, there will always be people who make a living by selling information. As people living in the 21st century, many take for granted the availability of information that's available for free. On top of that, the Internet makes it easier to access it almost instantly. Heck, before the invention of the telephone and telegraph, the only way of communicating could take weeks. Even at the height of the Roman empire, sending a message from one end to another could take weeks. This is with the Roman Empire's road network and relatively safer paths to get from point A to B. Post-Roman Europe would see longer travel times. To say the least, unless one is part of a crucial military regiment in a Kingdom's army, communicating and accessing information is a really difficult, tiring, and slow process. This is because the only communication method that acts similarly to a phone is the Maezer Ball, named after the person who made the Mana tool.

The Maezer ball has been frequently used in military operations across the human realm. Like a phone, a Mana user can use it to send information to another Maezer Ball at another location. However, the downsides are that it's very expensive to make, and it can only be used by people who are trained to use it. The training could take months to years, so it's not uncommon for armies to search for both the operator and the Maezer Ball. Although, the Maezer ball itself is worth a castle, so it's not a really big deal if they only lose the operator.

Anyways, the fact of the matter is that communicating and learning about current events is very difficult. This is especially true since the printing press has not been invented yet. Meaning all books or letters must be handwritten and copied. And even if it were the case, many in the human realm are not literate. Meaning they cannot read at all. Even some nobles don't know how to read. It wouldn't be the end of the world if they just get someone to read it for them. So the literacy rate is abysmally low in many Human nations.

This goes back to the importance of an information broker. As the sole means of obtaining relevant news and information, many nobles, Mana users, merchants, and other important people depend on their services. One particular information broker is of interest right now. This person has just finished receiving information pertaining to the war that the Tolerian Kingdom and the Tasermain Kingdom is currently conducting. In order for him to make back his money which he gave to his informant, he must now sell this information for a higher price, or must find more people to sell it to. Fortunately for him, he has been making quite a decent profit since the war has started. Requests for his information have been increasing since the outbreak of the war. Many nations and nobles are interested in the current state of the war, especially when it pertains to a war that is related to the overall strength of the Tillerian Empire.

It is not unknown that the two Kingdoms have formed an alliance between their houses with the recent marriage of the Tasermain princess and the Tolerian Prince. Since the marriage, the balance of power in the Empire has changed quite dramatically. The weakening health of the Emperor has not helped the situation. Since the war broke out with the Peninsular regions, many have wanted to keep tabs on the situation. If the two Kingdoms prove their worth and are able to take the Throne of the empire, then the politics of the Human realm could change dramatically for some. This is why our broker here is a wealthy man. Information on this war will sell for quite an amount. However, the broker is still thinking over the shocking intelligence he has received from his associate.

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