Chapter 22: The Invisible Line

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The US and Astra envoy's were now heading to the main event of the Fall festival. The lunch ball at the imperial palace of the emperor and empress. This is where all the envoys from major kingdoms and duchies come together. Although it was a party, it was also a valuable time for many to arrange for marriages, information, or tout new goods or wares their provinces have produced.

For practical purposes, the envoys rode on carriages to the palace. Many horse drawn carriages could be seen rolled up to the palace entrance. The palace entrance sat behind a garden which also sat behind a fenced gate with guards. As the US diplomats and Astra diplomats stepped out, many guests watched them. Many recognized and were surprised to see an envoy from the Kingdom of Astra, especially the designated heir of the Kingdom Damion Ior Astra.

However, all of them did not recognize the diplomats that wore such plain and standard suits. Some even wore weird black glasses. Nonetheless, the two envoys entered the palace after the guard at the entrance verified their identities.

The US envoy had a particularly large group. Filled with guards and translators, they stood out like a sore thumb in the palace. However, the two envoys started chatting with each other as no one wanted to talk to them.

"Who are those people?" One group of envoys asked. "Never seen them before. Did they come from the northern or western kingdoms or duchies? Perhaps some new duchy formed."

While the men spoke amongst themselves, the lead ambassador observed them. He has seen the Astra envoys before on previous occasions, however he was equally stumped as to where those men and women in suits came from. "Well, here is a simple solution friends."

He simple walked up to the group. His friends were just flabbergasted at how fast he approached the unknown group.

"Hello there friends." He spoke in the language of his country. That being from the Alenari tribe. The US diplomats were at first caught off guard, but then the lead representative to the Tillerian Empire started speaking to the translator.

"Hello there, its an honor to meet you. Tell me, what nation do you come from?"

The Alenari ambassador was pleasantly surprised. The standard practice is to speak the language of the host country. In this case the Tillerian language that stemmed from older times. However, he didn't expect to see them have a translator for his nation specifically.

"Oh, so you anticipated meeting me perhaps? I am the main representative of the Alenari tribes. We are a bit east from here."

"Ah, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I am an ambassador from the United States of America."

"Sorry if I am ignorant, but I never heard of your nation before. Is it newly formed?"

"Yes and no."

"I see."

The Alenari tribe control most of the desert lands and oasis within them. Their tribe borders are what effectively connects the human realm of the east and the non-human realm to the west. For that, they connect many trade routes from west and east as its hard to attack trade caravans in such a vast wasteland.

The Alenari for their part collect fees and run caravans from various nations at their borders. For a relatively obscure tribe, they have quite a bit of influence as they control the only known land trade route on the continent.

Then another ambassador came over. "Its nice to see you here again."

"Ah, the ambassador from the kingdom of Fulowa, here, let me introduce you to the ambassador from the US."

The Fulowa kingdom sat between the Borthern sea, the Alenari tribe, and the Waloa Kingdom. They often trade with the Alenari tribe as they border the internal sea, and consequentially can import more goods from many countries surrounding the internal sea.

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