Chapter 26: Making War

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As the horseman continued his trek through the dirt road, he could eventually see the City of Tillian coming up from a distance. The principal city and throne of the emperor himself. The city could be described to be the largest and most prosperous. Although, modern day standards would make the city out to be unsanitary. 

The city sat near an important natural harbor which was one of the largest around the Borthern sea. However, the recent sinking of a couple galleons nearly blocked the entrance into the port if it wasn't for some brave sailors. 

The horseman continued his trek towards the imperial palace, bearing grave news from the eastern regions of the Tillerian empire. From the domains of the Tasermain kingdom and Tolerian kingdom was a report. An important report.

"Your majesty, a messenger has arrived from the Tasermain and Tolerian domains of the empire."

"A joint report is it? It must be quite important if those two are willing to cooperate on such a thing."

The emperor in the past was too concerned with the balance of power, and thus prevented the absorption of the three kingdoms on the three different peninsulas into the two domains. However, the two have been at each others throat to get a casus belli on the Vaskov kingdom, as both share its borders. However, both domains seek to absorb all three soon. If it wasn't for the emperor, the three would most likely have been destroyed entirely after the war. However, if they were to have a justification or casus belli into the hearts of those peninsulas, it's over. 

"Your majesty, I bear terrible news from the East. On behalf of the Tolerian and Tasermain domains of the Tillerian empire, I shall report in their place."

The emperor pauses. "Go on."

"Our men have discovered that the Vaskov, Flenning, and Kleft domains under your imperial highness are conducting treason. For the glory and prosperity of the empire, we, the Tasermain and Tolerian domains shall conduct war on behalf of the emperor. We shall forever bring your majesty prosperity and glory."

"Messenger. On what grounds are the three to have been found of treason this time? Illegal wood cutting? Hunting in royal forests perhaps?" He chuckled a bit. It wasn't the first time that the two have proclaimed some reason for declaring war. In the Tillerian Empire, the Tillian kingdom and Genna Kingdom fall under the control of the emperor. However, the rest are controlled by his vassals, or kings to manage the vast amount of lands. Although the emperor is the top power, other domains or kingdoms within the empire may still conduct war against other domains.

Only if they have a legitimate casus belli to do so. Although they usually must be justified under the eyes of the emperor. The emperor could in theory call upon all vassals if he sees a war is unjust, but it rarely happens. Often because it is quite hard to call on all other domains or kingdoms within the empire.

"We have found the treasonous kingdoms to be conducting tons of business behind the back of your majesty with what they call the Americans."

"Americans? I am not too familiar with these Americans? Who are they?"

"The report found that they are perhaps the same people who damaged your majesties ships in the harbor."

"They were the ones who did it? These Americans?"

"Yes your majesty."

The emperor paused again. Contemplating.

"If this is true, then that means there is a foreign adversary that is back in the Tillerian empire again. But why did they come back here? Would they go to those three precisely because of their recent history with the Tillerian empire? What made them come back to the Tillerian empire?" The emperor thought. He continued.

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