Chapter 15: Relief

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The golden wheat fields surrounding the village during the afternoon gently swayed as the occasional breeze blew through. The villagers were still conducting their daily lives as US soldiers could observe them working in the fields. They used knives or sickle to cut down the wheat in the fields as they made them into bundles under the hot clear day.

The villagers were smoldering in the sun while US soldiers sought cover under shade whether it was under a tree or even some nicer villagers who let them into their homes. The fact that everyone spoke English in the village was remarkable and convenient for the US soldiers who were sweltering under the intense sunny day. Although some accents or words are different from American English, it did not prove to be much of a problem.

In the temporary headquarters tent set up in the courtyard of the village, the first lieutenant was with the captain of Eagle company. They were going to contact their battalion leader.

"First lieutenant, Get me the lieutenant colonel on the line." Exclaimed the captain.

The first lieutenant got out a phone line from one of the operators. He handed it to the captain.

"Lieutenant colonel, this is captain Elias of Eagle company. We have encountered and repelled a force estimated around 400 men over the past couple of days. I wanted an update on those ground reinforcements."

"Captain this is lieutenant colonel, Division is dealing with more problems than usual and has encountered delays in the advance. We are expected to hold onto our positions till tomorrow. However, good job in holding your position skipper. I will look forward to hearing from you."

"Thank you, lieutenant colonel." The captain sighed as he gave back the phone to his first lieutenant.

"I assume we are not moving from our positions yet?" The first lieutenant spoke in a despondent tone.

"Division is expected to send our reinforcements tomorrow. We just have to hold out till then." The captain looked outside to see the men relaxing up after staying here for a couple days already. The battles proved to be within their expectations so far. However, what Dianna said to them the other day was worrying.

"Captain, do you believe we'll run into a magician today?" He had a hint of worry in his voice.

"If we do, we just have to put some holes into him. From what she said yesterday, magicians will have to at least be able to see their enemy. So even if they appear, we should be able to eliminate them." The captain said it confidently, however even he is a bit worried about this unknown force which they haven't seen before.

"Captain this is lieutenant Aaron of 2nd platoon, we have spotted a force from a distance. Permission to engage."

"2nd platoon you may engage the enemy."

"Copy that captain." The platoon leader looked at the force again. It had much fewer men this time.

"lieutenant, you think we gonna get more kills this time?" He said cheekily.

"Can it Basher. Captain briefed us today that there might be some sort of wizard coming out the works so keep sharp." He said sternly.

"Sure sure, and that wizard is gonna wipe us all out then? Poncho here got the best aim in the platoon." He confidently patted the back of Poncho."

"Well, if that wizard or magician guy comes out, I'll be sure to take him out. Don't want him killing us." Poncho replied half jokingly.

The three men were one of three squads that were on the northern side of the village. They were hunkering down under some tree cover from the sun, just barely letting in some sunlight through the leaves. The occasional breeze swept through the area and rustled the leaves.

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