Chapter 13: An Ambition

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The Kingdom of Astra is going through a rapid amount of change. In just under a week, the kingdom was now split and in danger of falling apart any second. However, steadfast leadership from the Royal House of Astra has prevented the situation from worsening. This was done through the messengers sent out to the current supporters of the Eastern Region. Messengers targeted crucial strongholds and important allies while one was sent to the Southern House of Kellen. The Southern House of Kellen being the major house joined to the Royal House of Astra through the marriage of Queen Lanna Kesser Kellen.

However, while they have been securing their allies since the initial meeting with the king, prime minister, and US diplomat Jeffery A. Koch, the kingdom itself is preparing for a long confrontation. The kingdom knew that the US was assisting, however they did not believe that it was going to be significant in the upcoming war. Although the prime minister and the king knew the US was nothing to scoff at, they never believed that another country would send troops to aid another country whole heartedly.

However, despite the skepticism of the king and prime minister, there was one person who believed the US's claim.

Princess Dianna and her guard Sean Obert were riding down a dirt ridden path towards Cultivation Town by horse. The dirt path was created through numerous amounts of people who traveled through this path before them. However, since the civil war broke out, not many would dare to travel to the western region.

It was getting late by the time they reached the end of the forest. It has been a few days since she heard the US was sending troops to aid the town. Not many believed the US, but she did.

"Princess, do we really have to do this? I know that you are confident in your abilities, however I alone cannot guarantee your safety." Sean was worried about princess Dianna. Its only been a week since she came back from her voyage to the Tillerian empire. And now she is propelling herself back into danger again. Sean was baffled by her eagerness to throw herself into the fire.

"Sean, aren't you confident in your ability as a Knight?" She found it a bit funny how Sean is worried about her. "Your highness, we need more men. Although I am quite confident in my abilities, I am but one knight.

"Then we will run away. We have the fastest steeds in the castle stable." The princess said while smiling. Sean was baffled at her easiness and joking attitude. He could not figure out why her highness would come all the way out here without telling anyone. Its like she does not care about her safety at all.

"Your highness, why do all of this? As your knight, I cannot understand your goal."

"Do you believe that any person can obtain choice in life Sean?"

"Choice? I believe that with enough money and power, one can make their own choices all the time."

"That is exactly why I am out here Sean." When she finished speaking, she continued trotting towards an open area for setting camp. Sean was still confused. Just what would she find out here that could bring her more power or fortune? Sean thought.

The two made their way to set camp for the night. They found a comfortable area and fell asleep on the green grass. To their luck, it was not wet.

The princess fell asleep quite easily, however Sean was just worried about protecting her highness.

The dawn of a new day came. The princess and knight prepared to leave camp to continue their journey towards cultivation town. As they continued down a dirt path, her highness suddenly stopped in the middle of the path without notice. Sean was caught off guard.

"Your highness?" said Sean. He looked towards the princess. "Do you hear that?" Dianna said.

The sound of distant pattering could be heard. The two looked around but found no traveler around. It was not the sound of footsteps, but the two couldn't make out what that sound was.

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