Chapter 7: Another Problem

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The guard finished giving his report on the pirate raid at Allure port. Everyone in the room was shocked. Especially the U.S diplomats for some reason. Usually it would not be uncommon for a country to try and taut their military might in front of us as an intimidation tactic, but these diplomats are quite reserved. In fact, they seemed to look apologetic towards us. 

"Sorry your majesty, it seems our navy did something that could cause friction between our two countries. We hope this won't jeopardize negotiations in the future."

These diplomats are truly weird. Not only are they not touting their strength, they are apologizing? Why? They just defeated the enemy with little to no casualties, this is a great victory for us. Even the best case scenario would have at least a hundred deaths on our side. It was the inevitability of combat these days. And yet from their report, they took out an entire fleet with one ship? This is simply too baffling for me to comprehend. Too many things are happening at once.

Not to mention that half of our kingdoms fleet was docked in the port for "maintenance". If the pirates continued their raid, a good half of our kingdoms fleet would have been destroyed on the spot. We owe a great deal of debt to the United States. 

"No, I apologize that we had to have another kingdom's ship defend our home port."

"Our military didn't even get permission to attack, so its partly our fault too."

"Anyways, we owe a great deal of debt to you for defending our port from pirates. They have been increasing as of late, so its a relief that we have a trading partner who is so capable."

"How frequent have these pirate attacks been?" Ambassador Jeffery Koch asked.

"Our major ports have been targeted as of late by pirates in the last couple of months. At least one raid per month. This has devastated most of our ports. Due to hard times, most of our fleet has been docked for indefinite repairs, but this made them vulnerable to attacks.

"Are these attacks sanctioned by another country perhaps?"

"We haven't investigated enough, but from what we can tell, its probably done by either the Tillerian empire or the Onleng empire if the pirates are indeed being sanctioned."

"These two countries are?"

His majesty took out the map the United States envoy gave us earlier.

"The Tillerian empire is a vast empire a little north west from us. They control a vast amount of arable land and have a strong military presence along the Borthern sea and Ong channel. However, its usually balanced out with the Onleng Empire to its south, a kingdom which may not have a large military, but definitely has an elite fighting force. Then there is our kingdom who basically controls the mouth of this channel. We mostly specialize in our navy."

"So it could be either of these countries then?

His majesty looked towards me.

"Yes, both countries have strong motivations for weakening our kingdom. Its quite difficult to point out which though."

However, at that moment, another guard rushed into the meeting room. He looked a bit scared and was sweating.

"Your majesty, her highness's fleet spotted a huge pirate fleet that is trying to engage as we speak!"

Since the last attack, our escort fleet has been increased to nearly 30 ships. Quite overprotective in my opinion since most are around 10 to 15. Although with the recent attack, I feel a bit nervous.

"How many have been spotted?"

The guard stood there silent for a moment. "Nearly 50 ships have been spotted with more in pursuit to cut off their escape. They are requesting immediate assistance from our navy."

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