Chapter 5: Mercy or the Divine

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His majesty and I were working on documents for the upcoming annual meeting with all the lords. It was a special meeting where the king would work out a decree with input from other lords. Usually, the king would have some decrees laid out before the actual meeting. This is to ensure that all the lords have heard the decree in person, but also to get some valuable input from other lords.

However, the work will have to be put on hold for the moment. There was a loud knock on the door to the study. The guard rushed into the study and gave a report in his haggard state.

"Your majesty, we have received a report that three strange ships have docked at Allure port. The town was on high alert for a moment until the ship stated out its intention. The port master allowed it to dock for now. However, it appears they are envoys from another nation called the United states of America. They wish to meet with you."

His majesty and I looked at each other.

"Prime minister, you don't know this country do you?"

"No your majesty, I haven't. Its has quite a unique name that I would probably never forget. But I don't recall ever encountering such a name. Guard tell me, do you know where these ships hailed from?"

"The port master told me they came traveling up from the southern region of the Kingdom. He assumes that they came from the islands near there. However, he also says the envoys came from a continent in the east."

"The east, they say? Did someone come from the other side of the world, perhaps? In addition, what is strange about these ships?"

The guard thought for a moment before giving his account on what the ships looked like.

Ships made of metal? No sails? Weird contraptions on the top of the ship. It sounds strange, but what is more concerning is the lack of sails. If the ship is being propelled by some magic, then it's likely that this country has a firm grasp at magic manipulation. This would make them essential as allies if we are to stave off potential warfare with our neighboring kingdoms.

In addition, they could help increase our agriculture output and hopefully stave off fears from our provincial lords and hopefully riots at the same time. I looked towards his majesty and he had come to the same conclusion.

He immediately responded to the guard.

"Have the envoys arrive tomorrow morning. We need to prepare for their arrival while me and the prime minister here still have to finish working on the decrees for the annual meeting in a couple of days. Send them my wishes."

"Yes, your majesty."

The guard left, and we resumed our work for the annual meeting in three days. Although it wasn't uncommon to receive envoys, they are usually from the Tillerian empire to the Southern continent or the Onleng empire to the northern continent. However, if my assumption is correct, we will have to somehow win them over and allow them to work with us in developing our magic.

However, as the day passed and morning arrived, my workload only increased. Not only to prepare for the envoys, but to prepare a feast and to also discuss with his majesty on the schedule of the meeting. I also had to prepare for housing and quarters for the envoys and guards coming along. So much work, but it finally got done.

Eventually, the envoys arrived at his majesty's castle. However, they arrived in a way unlike anything I have seen. When I was notified of their arrival, I noticed that they had peculiar carriages. Sleek with no horse pulling it, they truly were very bizarre. Was this also done through magic? Even more of a reason we have to appeal to these envoys. Coming from a nation with such development would be a boon to our country. However, from a country with such power, it's strange I have never heard of them.

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