Chapter 18: Red Eye Flight

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The Capital of the Astra Kingdom was placed in an area of historical importance with a natural river and a large settled population of around one hundred thousand people. It is here where the initial founder of the kingdom set up his first town and eventually became the official capital of the kingdom.

With the royal family holding the most prosperous town in all the kingdom, the town became synonymous with the center of the kingdom. Despite being in the far east of the island nation, the royal family keeps control and power through house alliances and their military. In addition, the main founding house of Astra has held power over this kingdom for many generations.

In the middle of this dense town lays the important Royal palace with a large brick laid mall which leads to the palace gates. Before the palace gates is where the mall turns into a roundabout made of brick which allows carriages to stop and turn back the way they initially came.

The King's guards constantly protected the royal palace against those who seek to harm the royal family. The King's guard could be considered its own military force on its own. The King's guard has a total regiment size of around five to ten thousand knights. Constantly trained and enlisted to protect the town and the royal family residence.

There are guards posted at the gates wearing their iconic military uniforms of the king's guard. They wore an orange and white uniform with silver chest plates worn over them. They held long pikes in their right hands as they stood dutifully at the gates which leads to the palace.

They noticed something coming towards the palace. It looked like the black artifacts which came to the palace before, however they were not black. They had a distinct tan color and looked less impressive than the black artifacts they witnessed before. The guards have gotten used to the artifacts driving around the center of Lenel's Town, however it still unnerves them how fast they are.

Recently they have witnessed US soldiers going around in these tan artifacts they call Humvees and gave out food to people all around. With the recent food aid, public unrest has reduced significantly. In addition, the port is much more busy with ships constantly coming in and out to build an embassy for the US diplomats while also conducting their food aid.

The tan object was coming towards the palace and her highness Princess Dianna and her guard stepped out. The guards immediately recognized her and opened the gates.

"Your majesty, her highness has returned to the palace." The King's guard announced her arrival to King Charles. "Lead her here." The king looked relieved. Soon she arrived at the King's study.

"Father, I have returned." She said respectfully. Her guard was outside the study. It was just the two of them in this somewhat spacious study.

"Where have you been? Your disappearance has caused a great headache to the Captain you know." He sighed.

"I went to cultivation town." She said plainly.

"What!? Your went to the main battle between the US and the western region?" The King was taken aback since he didn't expect her to travel to such a distant place.

"I needed to reaffirm my assumptions on the US forces father. I haven't told you this since there was not much time before, but the attack on the pirate fleet was absolutely out of this world. I was relieved to be saved, but my curiosity got the better of me father. Sorry for worrying you."

The King wanted to get mad at her, but he felt conflicted granted with what happened the week prior. The king basically sold her daughter to the empire to fulfill the agreement of tribute, so he still feels guilty.

"Did your curiosity get filled after witnessing their battle? I have received reports from US ambassador Jeffery, but it didn't really make much sense for me other than that their forces won."

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