Chapter 31: The Next Step

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Flenning Kingdom. Flovenguard.

A couple of days have passed since the American troops finally have been able to progress westward from the Flenning capital. The town as of right now is being rebuilt by the remnants of the refugees and survivors of the pillaging Tolerian troops. Since modern cannons or artillery are not produced in the human realm, the town is relatively unscathed. It's the people who received the most harm in this war.

With supply stands for distributing food, blankets, and water placed around the town, the villagers didn't have to worry about death by starvation. In one particular area of Flovenguard stands a pair of houses with two floors. The ground floor and the second floor. The ground floor would have a store that sold clothes, and in another, sold fresh produce. Keith's family ran a clothing store in the town while Hellen's family ran the fresh produce stand next to his family's house. Right now, Hellen and Keith are standing in front of their houses. Hellen wore a blanket over herself as her only clothes are still terribly ripped apart. Keith still wore his dirty and tattered clothing that he has now worn for more than a couple of days now.

Right now, Hellen's parents went to an aid stand that was set up by the U.S army to get food, water, and other supplies. Keith's mother is also currently at an aid stand with Hellen's parents. Unfortunately for him, the encounter at the barn left Keith fatherless. Keith's mother is still lucky to still be alive, given what they went through. Now as a 16 year old teenager, Keith must now take over the store to restart his family business, as the only child of the family business now. Hellen is relatively lucky to still have her parents, although she went through something that most 15 year olds don't go through in the U.S.

As the two stood in front of their houses, Hellen lost her footing from being constantly on edge since the event at the abandoned farm. Keith is fast to notice and quietly catches her, supporting her from her back with his left arm. Keith feels a slight pain from his injuries, however he is still fine enough to support his childhood friend. Keith looked at Hellen that he held in his arms. He remembered how he first met her for the first time. Ten years ago, Keith's parents brought over Hellen's parents for dinner and a drink. The mothers and fathers were best friends since they lived in the same neighborhood for many years now.

Keith remembered her brown hair, full of life and color. Her blue eyes that blended with her white skin. A typical body of a young girl. Even today, as Keith looks at Hellen, he still finds her beautiful. Her somewhat tanned skin from helping her uncle from time to time now give contrast to her still blue eyes. And even now, her matted hair still shines full of color and vitality. However, he could feel her slight shivering, even with the grey thick blanket that she is wearing.

Keith gave up hope when the Tolerian soldiers began to tear apart what he knew before his eyes, however the weirdly uniformed soldiers to him, showed a light. Some ray of hope. The fact that he and his childhood friend survived gives some hope. Even now, Keith still gets the feeling of shock that he experienced as the Tolerian soldiers killed his father right in front of him. To show what happens if he were to fight back against them.

It's not uncommon for Tolerian soldiers to get young boys to train and serve. Especially since many are mercenaries for hire. This is especially common in the Tillerian Empire and its varying provinces. This is because of the amount of mercenaries available in such a vast territory, the price of them is lower than in many other neighboring nations. It's manpower mostly stems from that. However, having higher amounts of mercenaries in an army can lead to more pillaging since that is the main way of living and earning wealth through war. Furthermore, mercenaries operate in groups, so expanding their numbers is ideal. Fortunately, Keith did not fall to that fate. Especially with Hellen.

As Keith held Hellen in his arms, he could hear footsteps from a distance. This area is not very well populated, so he guessed it was his mom and Hellen's parents. He is right. He nudges Hellen and she looks up at him with her blue eyes. He silently makes a vow to himself, and beckons towards their parents.

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