Chapter 12: The Army

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It was a clear day with favorable winds. It was uncommon to have such a clear day like this in the kingdom of Astra given the amount of rain it gets. However, that wasn't on the minds of these soldiers in this C-17, the largest transport aircraft in the US military's arsenal. All everyone could hear was the sound of buzzing and rumbling throughout the plane. In the cockpit, the pilots were speaking through their headsets.

"This is grey leader, we are approaching our designated targets. Giving the red light for the shoots. I repeat, giving the red light for the shoots." This plane was one of five C-17's which were heading towards the drop point near cultivation city. Although it was called cultivation city, it was more accurate to classify it as a town in this era.

A red light appeared throughout the plane and two commanders stood up. They shouted and made a couple of hand gestures and everyone stood up in unison. For the first time in nearly 70 years, these paratroopers were to conduct an operation in war time since World War two. One of the planes personnel opened the side door of the plane and let in the screaming sound of the planes engine and the bright light. The C-17 was so massive, that two of these doors were places on opposite sides of the plane.

People throughout the plane were screaming commands and giving hand signals as they prepare for the jump. However, everyone looked calm and ready. The plane personnel started counting off with his hand before the green light lit and the first soldier began to jump off the plane.

From the outside, many troops can be seen to be falling out of the plane flawlessly without pause. It was a magnificent sight to see hundreds of men falling out of the sky into the fields, albeit with parachutes to make the landing less fatal.

Eventually, the five C-17's flew off into the distance, flying back to an airbase in Guam. All the soldiers were part of a massive battalion equaling to roughly 500 soldiers on the ground. This mission was being led by Lieutenant Colonel Dennis. The battalion was made up of smaller company's of around 100 men. The battalion's mission was to hold key positions around the town of cultivation.

A main force would arrive two days from now at the earliest since there was little infrastructure or logistics in the kingdom which would help. The army back at the royal eastern capital had to set up everything from building a base with fuel, lodging, and a command center. Any air support besides large bombing campaigns were not going to happen.

Lieutenant Colonel Dennis gathered up the leaders of each company. They had set up a makeshift table with a map. The map had marked out distinct areas which need protecting until the main force can arrive. The areas marked in red circles were marked as villages. "Command has deemed it necessary to occupy these villages and fend off any attackers until the main group arrives."

"Are we expecting heavy resistance?" One of the company leaders asked.

"There may or may not be raiding party's to obtain food or abduct people. From what our intelligence has gathered, skirmishes are going to be frequent around sieges in this era. So keep your vigilance. However, they should only be equipped with melee weapons or bow and arrow armaments. Nonetheless, you know what to do. Hold these positions until relief comes."

The company commanders nodded and went to form their groups. There were seven villages that were marked on the map. The company leaders appropriately split up their forces to occupy the marked villages. The battalion leader would be occupying the most central village.

Eagle company was one company that traveled to one of the marked villages. When they arrived at the village, they noticed that it was chaotic. Men in armor riding horses were running around the village. They were far from the chivalry of knights or even any order. It was more accurate to describe them as looters or bandits, terrorizing the village.

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