Chapter 17: Successful Operation

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The huge task force of M1A2 Abrams, M3 Bradley's, and Humvees were spread out in a line as they fired. The sheer length could be seen past the horizon, each vehicle being clearly spotted with their tan paint jobs.

Princess Dianna was sitting in one of the Humvees as an observer of the battle with her guard Sean in another Humvee close by. Their Humvee was in between an M3 Bradley and M1A1 Abram. The sight was surreal for Dianna. Normally one would ride into battle with a horse, but this thing which isn't even alive is moving and operating on its own. Furthermore, the ride is much more comfortable than any carriage she had ever ridden.

A team of soldiers were in the Humvee. Two in the front while one operated the overhead turret mounted on the Humvee. Chatter would have been heard on the radio if it wasn't for the constant explosions caused by the Abrams and Bradley's. The automatic turret above was also firing off, so that did not help everyone's ears.

Princess Dianna looked around at the tanks and the turret. Nothing about this battle was familiar. She would have thought that these men were insane before if she had not witnessed their strength in raw firepower from before.

Each soldier possessing the strength of a mana user without years of training or experience. Even for the average knight, it would take years to train in sword use. From what she inquired; these men didn't even spend five years to train to use this firepower. From what she found; these men spent anywhere from a couple of months to one year to prepare for combat.

What's more is that all of these soldiers are just as educated as the average noble in the kingdom. Just what kind of country is the US? Are these soldiers the elite of the elite in their society? To be so capable, these people must come from high ranking families from the US.

The battled raged on. A couple thousand troops on the western region's side have already been killed or ran away, with more choosing to flee. The continuous barrage of explosions and gunfire have scared the crap out of any knight or mercenary on the field. Dead bodies litter the once green field as tanks, Bradley's, Abrams, and Humvees continue their barrage.

Although it was a sweep, only the innermost part of the attack line near the town was moving towards the western forces. Too add on, its barely moving since the range of these vehicles are enough to simply sit and fire for a couple of minutes. The western forces were rapidly descending into chaos.

However, something on the field changed. Princess Dianna felt it. A powerful presence could be felt. She tapped the lieutenant in the Humvee she was sitting in.

"I can sense a powerful mana user!" She said loudly to the lieutenant. There was too much noise around them. The lieutenant nodded. "This is junkman one, the princess says that there is a mana user on the field. Take caution." However, before it could go off, a huge explosion occurred. Something like a fireball could be seen careening towards one of the Abram tanks near them. The tank speedily moved out of the way before it hit. A huge black area was left in the tanks previous position.

"Holy hell!" Basher stated plainly. Poncho was also a bit shocked. "So the wizard has come." He stated.

However, the heat of battle continued. Although it was a battle, it was more of a one sided massacre. The power disparity was simply too large, even with the western regions superior numbers.

However, soon another spell came flying towards them. However it wasn't a fireball, it was much more faster and accurate. It struck dead center onto an Abram M1A2 tank and stopped firing. The tank didn't explode, but it didn't move or fire, as if everyone was dead.

"What the hell was that!?" Basher yelled. The tank eventually began to smoke. Soon some soldiers from a Bradly came to remove the soldiers from the smoking tank. The soldiers were found to be in shock or partially burned.

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