Chapter 20: Visiting the White House

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It has almost been a day since the diplomatic delegation from the Kingdom of Astra has arrived in Washington D.C. They have been staying at the presidential guest house or Blair house which sat across the street from the white house. It is a historic building which has been renovated many times and had hosted guests from numerous countries over the years. Prime ministers, kings, and other heads of state and government resided in this building when they made official visits to the United States. Now, in this new and unpredictable world, princess Dianna and prime minister Gerald and their delegation is the first country from this world to stay at Blair house.

Since arriving, the delegation has been trying to grapple with the situation at hand. Trying to furiously prepare themselves for their visit. After yesterdays talk with the welcoming committee, they have certainly learned many things.

"You mean to say that the person we are meeting tomorrow morning is no monarch, but a person who is elected?" The person in question was a person of high nobility. He was tasked with the delegation as a member of parliament, the house of Nobles.

Right now, princess Dianna and Gerald were leading a meeting in one of the rooms in Blair house. With Blair house having over 100 rooms and having a floor space bigger than the White house, hosting meetings were simple.

"That is correct. I have been informed by the welcoming committee that the person we are meeting is no doubt an elected person."

"Who elected this person exactly? Surely the most educated and informed." This person was dispatched with the delegation as a member of the house of merchants. The lower house of parliament.

"No, apparently.... All citizens of the United states can elect their president."

"Who exactly is this president? A king? Prime minister? Do they have some permanent head of state?"

"No, this country is apparently a democracy. The president is the full embodiment of head of state, head of government, chief executive, and commander in chief. Essentially a prime minister and king combined."


Although the kingdom of Astra could be defined as a constitutional monarchy where they had limited the king's power to a certain extent. The idea that the whole country would vote in their head of state is unheard of. The idea of a pure democracy has always terrified them. The unwashed masses deciding who should run the government has always been thought of destabilizing and unstable. Even the parliament, although it looks more democratic than their neighboring countries, is elected and filled by those with immense wealth or title.

It is understandable for everyone in the room to be shocked by the revelation. Especially considering this person they would be meeting will have power equivalent to a prime minister and king. It was mind boggling.

However, as they finished discussing the issue of their internal government structure, they moved onto the topic that every delegation member had.

"We need to figure out how these magical appliances to work! Everything here is simply incredible! The furniture, carpet, and the magical lights in every room. In fact, it looks like all of the damn city out there has these magical lights!"

It was night by the time they had this meeting. It was quite late by their standards since they did not often have access to easy light sources. Although magic existed, the practicality of having it to light up a room was absolutely none. There were not magical devices to do so and doing it yourself would make it more tiring and troublesome than getting a candle. The lights in the airplane were enough to impress them, but they were shocked to see that all the rooms had lights. If it weren't for the welcoming committee telling them how to operate them, it was very likely they would have tried to find candles.

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