Chapter 36: Discreet Talks

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Talks ensued with the prime minister and the U.S. ambassador, with further talks needed for the next day to complete the agreement. However, other talks were happening at the same time without the knowledge of the prime minister of the Quenlari Kingdom.


In a discreet meeting place within the capital of the Quenlari Kingdom, a faction of the Kingdom's officials are meeting with another power that could help the Kingdom in its dire straits. With the oncoming encroaching mana beasts and abominations from the south, the Kingdom is desperately looking for forces that could help. The Onleng Empire, a close ally, is preoccupied with defending their border thus cannot aid the Quenlari Kingdom. Their close neighboring country to the north also is spending their limited military resources to defend their western borders against the Orcs and other humanoids invading their borders. This leaves the Quenlari Kingdom very few options as both their northern and southern borders are being molested by enemy forces which have no mercy for human lives in the conflict.

Officially, the King has sent his prime minister to the U.S. embassy to seek aid, but the status of those talks are still unknown. While the king has heard of the U.S. military's prowess, he knows that nothing comes for free in this world. However, another group of officials in his cabinet of advisors believe that the U.S. is not the only alternative.

They have suggested calling upon their neighbors across the channel. The Dominion Council is a council with massive military prowess, but they don't particularly have many interactions for many years since some of the intelligence received reports of a civil war occurring in that continent. However, with the civil war calming down, there are officials who seek to open their personal channels to open talks with them.

Without letting the Prime minister know, the king allowed them to meet with people from the Dominion council. The meeting took place in an informal space in one of the official's meeting areas in the Quenlari capital. The Dominion council sent only three officials to represent them, while the faction who advocates for their help sent a delegation to meet them.

The representatives from both The Dominion Council, and the Quenlari Kingdom enter a spacious meeting hall with comfy chairs and couches surrounding what could only be described as a small coffee table. Although, no one in the building ever drank coffee in their lives.

Some of the delegates looked at the Dominion representatives and noticed that they were a bit different from a normal person in appearance. Of the three, one is female, while the other two are male. Their skin is dark in color, almost turning purple under the lighting in the room. Their dull silver hair heavily contrasted with their skin. Their lighter brown leather attire which is akin to military wear covered their persons.

Many of the representatives from the Quenlari side were a bit taken aback and were not used to seeing them, as for most of them, it is their first time meeting Dominion people from across the channel. The one most familiar with them is the one who suggested to the king that working with the Dominion council would be more favorable.

The head of the Quenlari delegation began to speak first. "Karthreth, I am glad to finally meet you in person. I hope the trip wasn't too terrible for you."

The built person also exchanged greetings. "It's also good to finally meet you Nizaam, although our journey is much more pleasant than you might think."

As the two exchanged their greetings, Karthreth gets down to business quickly as both parties settle down onto their seats.

"Nazaam, from what I gather, there are many Mana creatures crossing into the southern borders of the Quenlari Kingdom correct?"

"The Mana beasts are quite ferocious this time of year. It's nothing I have ever seen before. Soon, we could be cut off from the southern regions of the Quenlari kingdom if they keep advancing in the direction they are going."

"It sounds like you are in a predicament. And as representatives of the Dominion council, we are prepared to help repel the beasts if it means having access to the Quenlari waterways perhaps."

The Quenlari Kingdom is not only militarily a key stronghold against invasion into the Human realm, but it also serves as an excellent trade route aside from the Alenari deserts to access the markets west. This is because the Quenlari has a network of rivers that run from the Borthern sea and into the channel, cutting shipping time down by months. The alternative would be to travel around the cape of the Despur continent which has no port available aside from other islands.

At this point in time, no exploration expedition has found a faster way to get to the west where lucrative markets from the various nations exists. Especially metal, glass works, and other types of goods.

The Dominion council having access to the Quenlari's waterways would make trading with nations surrounding the Borthern sea much faster and safer.

Nazaam thinks about it and considers their offer. He asks Karthreth when the mobilization of their troops can begin. He responds.

"We believe we could mobilize within two weeks. By then, we should have an adequate amount of time to move enough resources to combat the Mana beasts. Of course, for compensation, we will be keeping all parts of the monsters we kill. I don't think that will be too much of a problem correct?"

Nazaam smiles and just nods. "I don't think there will be much of a problem. We can finalize the details later on."

"Of course friend." Karthreth thinks to himself before asking another question.

"Say, I heard that your King is also asking another nation to help correct?"

Nazaam visibly frowns. "Yes yes, the prime minister and his people went to the Americans for military assistance. But I thought it would cause problems for us if we relied on them too much. In my opinion, the Dominion council would be a better fit for the problem at hand, but the Prime minister and their faction believed talking to the Americans will be better for our country."

Karthreth looked visibly interested in the U.S. "Who are these Americans? I don't believe I have heard of them yet. I must apologize as it has not been long since the wars in my homeland ended."

Nazaam elaborates. "They popped out of nowhere. Even more troubling is that they beat back part of the Tillerian empire easily. Ever since then, those Americans have been appearing all around the Borthern sea. I hear that this country doesn't even make sense at all. Their military is said to have powerful magic and artifacts which can blow away thousands of troops in one go. Although apologies friends, that is all I can say at the moment."

Karthreth and Nazaam talk for a bit more before the meeting ends.

Both parties exit the building.

On the way out, Karthreth speaks to the Dominion woman next to him. "Head to the nearest information broker." He hands her a bag of gold coins. "Find out the American's aim in the region. I do not want to compromise our objectives in securing the waterways."

She nods and heads off.

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