Chapter 6: Bofor 57mm

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It was another normal sunny day, or so it would be if it were not for the large crowd of people gathering around the port. Ever since the three strange ships docked here at Allure port, people from all over town have been looking at these strange ships with no sails. Furthermore, their bodies made of metal give it a sharp and different feel than any of the other wooden ships docked at port.

If not for our guards for controlling the crowd, they would have probably tried to enter the ship, although it was forbidden since those ships are not even from our kingdom. Furthermore, they are envoys from another country. Normally, ships from other countries are treated differently since they directly represent the country they came from. This is why we are doing so much crowd control around these ships.

However, it never stopped the people from all walks of life to look at these ships. Furthermore, the other day when they unloaded some strange contraptions which moved on their own, people were amazed and gawked at the miracle they just witnessed. Of course, no one here knew how they moved or how they were made. It could only be magic. 

However, as I was overlooking the guards in charge of crowd control, one of my tower guards came running towards me. 

"Port master! Port master, I have spotted pirates to our east! They number at least twenty ships."

"They carry no flag?"

"No port master! Furthermore, at least half the ships are large Galleons with 40 cannons on each side. Port master!"

This is serious. Although the pirate raids have been increasing as of late, it never reached this level. To think this had to happen while envoys from another kingdom are here.

"Guard, summon reinforcements from the west and east gates. Also request a contingent of royal guards to come as well. Their magic will be useful here."

"Yes port master!"

"Guards! Evacuate everyone from the port! Prepare for a pirate raid. We must not delay!"

The guards around the docks gave a firm response and began to move. They started to evacuate the people from the docks who were either working or gawking at the envoy's grey ships. There were more than 50 ships docked at Allure port. Its not unreasonable to think that great wealth lies here. However, we will not give in to these raiders.

"Guard, start to inform the other ships to unload their valuables and prepare for a pirate raid. Expect mass casualties and collateral damage to their ships."

"Yes port master!"

As I gave out my commands, I decided to personally address the problem at hand regarding the envoys. It hasn't happened very often, so I don't know how envoys would usually respond in this situation. If their ships get destroyed in the raid, it is unfathomable to think of how we would repay them for their expensive looking ships. But, considering they are made of metal, they shouldn't be too damaged in the aftermath. We just have to make sure the pirates are to not run off with the ships after the battle. 

As I was thinking this, I was searching for one of their sailors, however I couldn't find even one sailor. Odd, usually they would be walking about doing their daily routine of walking around the perimeter of the ship. 

I decided to enter the ship and look for their captain. As I climbed up the stairs onto the deck of the ships for the first time, I noticed that the ship was truly different. It had many doors and walls unlike any ships I have been on before. As I was wondering where to even begin, someone came up deck and greeted me.

"You are the port master correct? What has happened."

I explained the situation to the man in blue. He nodded.

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