Gon X Reader (Hunter X Hunter) {The Picnic Episode}

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I have been wondering to do for this one shot since I was asked for a picnic date and then some fluff from there. It took my arms and face to be incredibly burnt from the sun for me to come with this idea lol. This is a request!

Note: Please keep in mind that Gon is 14-15, and that's cannon. And so are you in this one shot.

The sun was rising on Whale Island as (Y/n) and Gon sit on the famous large hill with their fishing poles in hand. So far (Y/n) hasn't had any luck in the catching department while Gon has caught three in the past hour.

(Y/n) looks over at Gon, "these fish must be able to tell that I'm not from here..."

"Don't be silly (Y/n)!" Gon smiles as he reals in another fish, "I'm sure you'll catch one!"

"Gon, that's the fourth fish you have caught in the past hour. You said yourself that I have gotten more nibbles and yet not a single bite."

He rubs the back of his neck, "well then let's head off to the market. We have to have some watermelon since it is summer time after all!"

They each carry two fish thanks to their back packs and head off to the port. "I'll race you there!" (Y/n) smirks and runs off.

"You're on!" Gon shouts, running slightly slower than (Y/n).

In the end (Y/n) won by a hair and was completely out of breath. After quickly bouncing back, they began to look around the port. 

"Do you think we should get some bread and another fruit while we're here?" (Y/n) asks, in awe at all the things available for purchase.

"If you see anything that looks good then you should get some." Gon replies, "after all this is a picnic. We'll need a little more than fish and watermelon."

After about ten minutes of walking around, one of the street venders was yelling, "test your strength! Smash a watermelon!"

Gon and (Y/n) looked at each other, "perfect timing..." They both mumbled. They walk up to the vender, who looked at the curiously.

"Hey kids!" He greeted, "I don't think you can break this but if your parents are here they can give it a try!"

"Uh we're both teenagers actually." (Y/n) spoke up, "I'm sure we can both pick up that stick no problem." The vender smirks and gestures for one of them to try and pick it up. He had a sign that said '30 Jenny per attempt, can take home if you can smash'. (Y/n) payed the man as Gon picks up the stick.

"Whoa! This is really light!" He smiles out of excitement as the vender sits the watermelon down on a long sheet of paper. He seems a little mad but hides it. Gon smashes it in half with easy before passing the stick to (Y/n) when smashes the other half.

They wave goodbye to the vender with their watermelon pieces in a bag. "Alright, last stop is to find some fruit in the forest..." Gon mumbles to himself, "even though we just got some fruit..."

"How about we get some bread and something to drink before we do that?" (Y/n) suggests, looking over at a small bakery shop. The vender had their bread at half price since it was a day old, perfect for just the two of them to eat.

Gon agrees and they purchase the bread. The vender knew Gon pretty well and they talked for a good amount of time. (Y/n) didn't say much, simply smiling at the vender as Gon jumps straight into a conversation. As much as this kid spent running around the forest he had a lot more social skills than you would expect.

(Y/n), already knowing what drink Gon would mostly likely want, went to the store next door and bought their drinks. By the time they left the port, it was around noon. "Sorry about that." Gon says as they approach the forest entrance.

"Don't apologize, it's always good to catch up with an old friend." (Y/n) smiles and looks around, wondering what they were even looking for out here. "By the way, what are we looking for out here?"

"It's a surprise." He replies walking ahead, "just follow me and you'll see!"

(Y/n) sighs but shrugs it off. They walk through the forest, Gon stopping to talk about the animals native to this island. This includes a few times where he almost got very hurt.

"And that down below is a turtle duck. Once when I was very young I was walking through a river and mistook it's shell as a rock. Let's just say I ran as fast as I could. This was before I fully understood that turtle ducks are slow..." He laughs. "Did anything like that happen to you?"

"Umm..." (Y/n) muttered, "I did the same thing you did but I accidentally stepped on a turtle seal.  I apologized over and over again but it swam away before I could say it four the fifth time. But there was this one time I went sledding on an otter penguin. I'll take you to my hometown sometime. Then you can try it out!"

Gon looked at (Y/n)'s smile a few seconds longer than he usually does but quickly snaps back into reality. "Oh we're here!" 

He stops at the end of large rock covered in moss. "This is where I caught the largest fish on Whale Island."

"Oh yeah you've told me about that a couple of times. But why did you want to come here specifically? For the view?"

"For the view and because we've sort of been showing each other places that are special to us..." He mumbles the last sentence but (Y/n) still heard every word. "But anyway, let's eat!" He beams.

(Y/n) gathers all of the firewood and Gon sets up the rest of the meal. The fish cooked fast and their drinks were still a little cold. "I see what you mean by 'we've been showing each other places that are special to us'." (Y/n) said after taking a bite of the watermelon. "After all what else are we supposed to do other than that."

Gon looked puzzled so (Y/n) explained it a bit more. "We said that we would travel together but it's more fun seeing new places. The only downside is that you're lost and confused about where everything is. But if you have someone who already knows the way, it already makes the trip more fun."

"That's true but didn't you say that you won't be able to stay with me much longer?"

"Yeah but I've been thinking about taking that back." Gon looks up from his food, "I'm having so much fun being with you Gon. Showing off my combat and navigation skills as well as dumb stories. So for now let's say that I'll travel with you until we both decide to stop."

"Promise?" He holds up his hand like people do when they have making a pinky promise.

"Promise." (Y/n) copies his movements.

"And seal it with a kiss." They both say but (Y/n) moves in and kisses Gon on his cheek.

"Sorry sorry, I saw the opportunity and had to take it." But really (Y/n) just wanted to see Gon blush. He was fine with it since he got to see that smile he loved so much.

This is why you never let me write past 1am. My brain is just like "okay so they need to go here but I got to add something in between to make sure it's not really choppy and reads weird. Also what should I do for the fluff? Making them date doesn't really feel right... tRaVeL pArTnErS tHaT aRe PiNiNg FoR eAcH oThEr BuT dOn'T kNoW iT yEt!!!!"

I shall now go to sleep.


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