Kenma Kozume X Outgoing! Fem!Reader (Haikyuu!!)[Soulmate AU]{Eyes & Sleep}

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Guys, this idea hit me like a train while I was iN THE MIDDLE OF FREAKING BIOLOGY, TAKING NOTES! I'm going to explain this AU down below but uh this may be kind of long-

Edit: lol this idea was meant to get done a year and a half ago but I still like it and I'm gonna do it

Edit 2: it's now been two years lol-

There will be two AU in this one shot.

AU one: your eyes change color depending on who's emotion is stronger.

Example: Sora is feeling super happy and Kairi is in the middle, she doesn't have a super strong emotion present. Their eye color is orange.

Example: Soma is happy because he is cooking up a new dish. Erina is frustrated because of everything going on around her. Their eye color is yellow. Erina's emotion is stronger.

AU two: you can't sleep unless your soulmate is asleep or trying to go to sleep.

Example: Uka is up late studying while Kai is coming home from work and wants to sleep. Both of them can not sleep because Uka isn't making an effort to do so.

"Oi! Kenma!" Kuroo shouts at his best friends window. He was out on his typical morning run and saw the light on in his best friends room. Disregarding the neighbors around him, and Kenma's parents, he shouts again. This time Kenma slides the window open, cursing at himself for not closing the blinds more.

"You're gonna kill your soulmate if you don't sleep!" He chuckles, still jogging in place. 

Kenma glares down at him, flips him off, before slowly closing the window with his finger still raised. His thoughts started to race again as he picked back up the controller. He checks his phone to see the time, school started in two hours. With the words of Kuroo still playing in his head, he goes to bed and closes his eyes. Kenma was immediately asleep. 

Two hours had passed and Kenma checked to see what color his eyes were. They were still yellow from last night but had hints of red. The red would soon take over as the day wore on, he figured. He never bothered to check throughout the day like most people do. "They must be mad about last night..." He mumbles to himself, referring to his soulmate.

"Kenma!" Kuroo yelled at his bedroom window.

He sighed and opended the window once again, "I'll be down in a minute."

"Hurry or you'll be late!" He closes the window and quickly throws on his uniform. 

Kenma checks his eyes one last time, more hints of red were appearing. He shakes his head and leaves. Kuroo greets him outside, "didn't think you'd make it."

"We have practice don't we?" Kenma asks, pulling out his Playstation Vita.

"Yep but we have to share with the softball team today. Something about needing to paint the field lines but not wanting to skip out on practicing." The third year replied, "Bokuto is going to be so jealous."

Kenma looks over to see the color to Kuroo's eyes, they were always a glowing shade of orange. Maybe that's because he always thought about sports, Kenma concluded.

As he walks into his classroom, he saw two girls standing outside of the room. One had an energy drink can. The kind that is recommended to be drunken slowly, in little amounts over time.

"Don't just chug it all!" The other girl yells at her friend. "You're not going to be able to play in a few hours!"

"Relax I do this all the time." She replies and keeps drinking it. "If my damn soulmate would sleep for once I wouldn't be in this mess."

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