Yuno X Female! Reader (Black Clover) {Lie}

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Inspired by the song "Lie" by Cirus-P. It's a vocaloid song, Luka sings it. I really love this song cause of Luka's English and I love Black Clover so let's put two and two together, shall we?

Either of them could tell what they were fighting about anymore. Both of them were just angry at each other, but fear was hidden be hide it. In the end, it was a mutual decision to break up.

"We never see each other..." Yuno mumbles. "You a bull and I'm a dawn..."

"We are rivals, the Gold Dawn and the Black Bulls don't really mix too well." (Y/n) agrees. "But," she starts, "I love you." She looks at Yuno in the eye, "I've been in love with you so awhile now. That's not just gonna disappear."

"But we both agree, we don't work." He sighs, running his hand through his hair, "how can we be in love but be such a bad mix?"

"So this is it, huh?" (Y/n) says.

"Yeah," Yuno replies, "I guess it is. We had a good run." He tries to smile but it quickly fades away. 

"Guess I'll see you around then." She says, waving a little before walking away in the opposite Yuno was facing.

"Yeah," he mumbles to himself, "see you."

Bell comes out of her hiding spot, "Yuno!" She whines, "how long are you gonna stand there! Let's go already!" She is turned around, not facing him, with a pout on her face and her arms crossed. Bell doesn't see behind Yuno's blank expression as he watched (Y/n) disappear beyond the horizon.

Eventually Yuno did move after Bell begged him for what felt like hours. But it was really only two minutes. "Is she really gone?" He asks the fairy.

"Yeah, you watched her walk away remember?" Bell replies, "but you don't need her! I'm the love of your life and the only woman you'll ever need!"

"'Love of my life', huh?"

(Y/n) had finally made it back to the Black Bulls hides out, it was now around midnight. "Oi!" Captain Yami yells, "what the hell took you so long!" Hey blows out a puff of smoke and gets a good look at her face. "Something happen?"

She nods her head before rushing off to her room. She didn't know what to think. Should she be happy about the break up or sad that she just lost the love of her life? In the end, she determined that sleeping was the best choice. Tomorrow, she would ask Charmy to make her some delicious food, her favorite, she decided.

The other bulls all gave each other a look. "Yuno?" Noelle asks, "did he do something?"

"Nah," Asta laughs, "there's no way those two would get into a fight!"

"Unless it's their first..." Vanessa replies, taking a large amount of her drink before adding, "and their last."

Yami gives Finral a look before dragging him to another room without saying a word. "I can walk you know!" Finral exclaimed, "you don't have to drag me!"

"I got a job for you." Yami blows out a puff of smoke, "that kid needs some cheering up. I think you know what to do." He said with his voice slightly lowered in volume.

"" Finral mumbles as his brain tries to put two and two together. "Oh! Like a date!"

"Something like that. Just cheer her up a bit, alright?" Yami starts walking back to the main room where the other bulls are at.

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